“It is in vain, sir, to extenuate the matter. Gentlemen may cry, Peace, Peace – but there is no peace. The war is actually begun! The next gale that sweeps from the north will bring to our ears the clash of resounding arms! Our brethren are already in the field! Why stand we here idle? What is it that gentlemen wish? What would they have? Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!” Patrick Henry, Congressional Convention 1775.
Liberty, death, chains, slavery, peace and war are what brought our founders together in a time of much needed change. This time was cloud in corruption, deceit, intimidation, force and expected submission of the colonists, yet they tore from those chains to give birth to a free nation, a nation ruled by the people and not a select few. It was an uncertain time, it was a confusing time, after winning independence, but they persevered and came out with victory in their hands, peace in their hearts, enlightenment in their souls, and a vision of a great future in their eyes. The honor and pride that most had and shared during those times will not be matched even today. That is what is so troubling, not just today, but with generations during the Civil War and all since.
There was no more pride, no more honor, no more question authority feelings. It all started to be turned into a, me, me, me and I only care about me kind of society and country. The generation that started this great nation, didn't just think about their personal wants and desires, they cared about the whole picture. What can be done to better the new nation, what can be done to improve everyone’s lives in the new nation? They came together for the greater good, they didn't allow anyone, be it an outside threat or an inside threat to destroy what they have achieved and wanted to achieve.
Our population today, seems to get excited about taking scraps from a corrupt government and the representatives we place into power to do what is right. Our generations today and past ones, like to be submissive to a tyrannical government that has slowly overtime, taken rights away, instilled fear, enforced unjust laws and regulations upon them and acted out with force and intimidation to get what they want from their chained population. It amazes me that such a large percentage of the United States, does not get angry enough, does not get upset enough, does not want to be involved enough, doesn't care what the government does! How can this vast number of people, stand still, sit on their hands and hold their tongue to all these indiscretions that have been done and are being done to the American people in general? This nation was once known as being rebels for just causes, fighters for true freedoms and liberties, that they didn't let their pride and honor be taken from them, because they believed just like Patrick Henry said, “Give me liberty or give me death!”.
If you still feel like nothing is wrong, or that the federal government at its current state which has been a long time coming, then you haven’t gone through my other postings. What I have written so far, is just the tip of the iceberg of everything that has been perpetrated against the American public, and all you need to do, is look at current issues and truly do your own research and I promise you will be enlightened and brought to a level of anger that will make you want change.
Let us the American People, go not quietly into the night, but go out like we came into this world. Kicking and Screaming!
Wednesday, April 16, 2014
Monday, March 31, 2014
Taxes and Fraud
Federal Income Tax, the greatest thing since sliced bread! Said no one, ever! So is the Federal Income Tax Constitutional or Unconstitutional? In one of my first postings, I wrote about when, how and why I believe the Federal Income Tax was added to the Constitution. In the year 1913 it was added to the Constitution the same year that the Federal Reserve Act was passed through congress. That the parents of the Federal Reserve Act were a bunch of bankers, and their plan was to grab control of the economy of our great nation. Just like Mayer Amschel Rothschild said; “Give me control of a nation’s money and I care not who makes the laws.” Yet when these bankers were able to persuade members of our government to get the Federal Reserve Act passed, they knew that, the way the federal government made money at that time, would not be able to borrow much, so they influenced congress to create the Federal Income Tax. This way, they could control monetary policies which in the greater picture would control political policies. By taxing the people’s hard earned incomes, they had a limitless pot of money. They could do whatever they please, force the government to do whatever they wanted and when they made mistakes like the Great Depression, recessions (including the one we are going through now), the American Tax Payer would be there to bail them out, because we have no choice. So the true answer is the Federal Income Tax is Unconstitutional to the very core. Remember the Founding Fathers, separated from England for many reasons, and one of them was taxation without representation. They believed only the States should have the right to tax incomes of their people, not the federal government.
What brought to this discussion again about the Federal Income Tax is an article I read last week concerning a lawyer in Louisiana Tommy Cryer, who unfortunately is no longer with us. Mr. Cryer, was taken to court by the IRS on failure to pay income taxes, yet he defeated the IRS in the Federal District Court of Shreveport 12-0 count by the jury. The following link takes you to one of the articles about Mr. Cryer and his fight against the IRS and Federal Government. I implore my readers to look at this article and research on their own concerning one of the biggest acts of fraud placed on the American people, and you will see that, we have been getting robbed since 1913.
If you are still unsure that the Federal Income Tax is Unconstitutional, I would like to point you in the direction of Sherry Peel Jackson. She was a former IRS agent and when she stood up against the Income Tax, she was sentenced to three years in a federal prison. When she got out, she didn't stop standing up against this act of fraud, she continued her fight as she does today, and is waking fellow Americans as fast and as many as she can. The following link takes you to an article about Sherry Jackson and also contains a video of a seminar she took place in. After reading the article and watching the video, I hope that my readers will have a clearer picture of what is going on and how we have been fooled by a corrupt and greedy government, which is controlled by bankers.
Ms. Jackson isn't the only IRS agent that has stood up against the IRS for the fraud it is committing on the American people. Honestly why do you hear about these cases yet, you never hear the IRS or government state any evidence that they have the right to tax your income? It’s because they don’t need this going mainstream (it’s not like it really would, because it would be shutdown in a heartbeat, to keep this action of fraud going), it would lift the wool off of the majority’s eyes and their ponzi scheme would come to a crashing halt. U.S. District Court Judge James C. Fox in 2003 stated; “If you examined the 16th Amendment carefully, you would find that a sufficient number of states never ratified that amendment.” This means, the 16th Amendment should not and cannot be a law. Also a Supreme Court decision stated that the 16th Amendment didn't add any new taxing powers to the government, pretty much still upholding that a Federal Income Tax is Unconstitutional.
There have been countless people, groups and so on, that tried to stand up for their God given rights and all of our rights, but nothing changes because they do not have a large enough base to back them up. Why don’t they have this base? It’s because the IRS, Federal Reserve and the politicians have done a great job in scaring the living ghost out of us. Mention the IRS to anyone and they fear it like they would fear the reaper.
Bill Clinton on March 11, 1993 said; “We can’t be fixated on our desire to preserve the rights of ordinary Americans.” What? Our President, our politicians do not care to preserve our rights? Yet when taking office they take an oath to protect our rights. Have we as a nation, as a population become so blind that we are happy to be sheep? Some were not and still are not happy to be sheep. They stood up against Clinton, yet when they did, pertaining to court records, talked about by Paul Breslan an IRS Official; “Legal opponents of President Clinton were tax audited.” Again, bring up the IRS and everyone, starts acting like it’s the end of the world.
My readers, it is not the end of the world. IRS Code 26 CFR Ch.1 (4-1-03 Edition) states that paying income tax to the federal government is completely voluntary. That they train their agents to make sure they get as many Americans to voluntarily pay income tax. This written code is backed by Dwight E. Avis Head of the Alcohol and Tobacco Tax Division Bureau of Internal Revenue; “Your income is a 100% voluntary tax, and your liquor tax is 100% enforced tax. The situation is as different as night and day.”
In one of my earlier postings, I mentioned the letter sent by Chancellor Bismark from Germany, saying President Lincoln would have been the only one that could stop the international bankers from coming to the United States and taking over our country. Well President Lincoln did say; “The government should create, issue, and circulate all the currency. Creating and issuing money is the supreme prerogative of government and its greatest creative opportunity. Adopting these principles will save the taxpayers immense sums of interest and money will cease to be the master and become the servant of humanity.”
I implore my readers, especially ones from the United States to do their own research into this matter, into this fraudulent act. A great film ‘America from Freedom to Fascism is a wonderful documentary and it has a lot of what I just wrote here and gives more facts then I have here. Watch this film, do your own research and then ask yourself do you still want that wool over your eyes?
What brought to this discussion again about the Federal Income Tax is an article I read last week concerning a lawyer in Louisiana Tommy Cryer, who unfortunately is no longer with us. Mr. Cryer, was taken to court by the IRS on failure to pay income taxes, yet he defeated the IRS in the Federal District Court of Shreveport 12-0 count by the jury. The following link takes you to one of the articles about Mr. Cryer and his fight against the IRS and Federal Government. I implore my readers to look at this article and research on their own concerning one of the biggest acts of fraud placed on the American people, and you will see that, we have been getting robbed since 1913.
If you are still unsure that the Federal Income Tax is Unconstitutional, I would like to point you in the direction of Sherry Peel Jackson. She was a former IRS agent and when she stood up against the Income Tax, she was sentenced to three years in a federal prison. When she got out, she didn't stop standing up against this act of fraud, she continued her fight as she does today, and is waking fellow Americans as fast and as many as she can. The following link takes you to an article about Sherry Jackson and also contains a video of a seminar she took place in. After reading the article and watching the video, I hope that my readers will have a clearer picture of what is going on and how we have been fooled by a corrupt and greedy government, which is controlled by bankers.
Ms. Jackson isn't the only IRS agent that has stood up against the IRS for the fraud it is committing on the American people. Honestly why do you hear about these cases yet, you never hear the IRS or government state any evidence that they have the right to tax your income? It’s because they don’t need this going mainstream (it’s not like it really would, because it would be shutdown in a heartbeat, to keep this action of fraud going), it would lift the wool off of the majority’s eyes and their ponzi scheme would come to a crashing halt. U.S. District Court Judge James C. Fox in 2003 stated; “If you examined the 16th Amendment carefully, you would find that a sufficient number of states never ratified that amendment.” This means, the 16th Amendment should not and cannot be a law. Also a Supreme Court decision stated that the 16th Amendment didn't add any new taxing powers to the government, pretty much still upholding that a Federal Income Tax is Unconstitutional.
There have been countless people, groups and so on, that tried to stand up for their God given rights and all of our rights, but nothing changes because they do not have a large enough base to back them up. Why don’t they have this base? It’s because the IRS, Federal Reserve and the politicians have done a great job in scaring the living ghost out of us. Mention the IRS to anyone and they fear it like they would fear the reaper.
Bill Clinton on March 11, 1993 said; “We can’t be fixated on our desire to preserve the rights of ordinary Americans.” What? Our President, our politicians do not care to preserve our rights? Yet when taking office they take an oath to protect our rights. Have we as a nation, as a population become so blind that we are happy to be sheep? Some were not and still are not happy to be sheep. They stood up against Clinton, yet when they did, pertaining to court records, talked about by Paul Breslan an IRS Official; “Legal opponents of President Clinton were tax audited.” Again, bring up the IRS and everyone, starts acting like it’s the end of the world.
My readers, it is not the end of the world. IRS Code 26 CFR Ch.1 (4-1-03 Edition) states that paying income tax to the federal government is completely voluntary. That they train their agents to make sure they get as many Americans to voluntarily pay income tax. This written code is backed by Dwight E. Avis Head of the Alcohol and Tobacco Tax Division Bureau of Internal Revenue; “Your income is a 100% voluntary tax, and your liquor tax is 100% enforced tax. The situation is as different as night and day.”
In one of my earlier postings, I mentioned the letter sent by Chancellor Bismark from Germany, saying President Lincoln would have been the only one that could stop the international bankers from coming to the United States and taking over our country. Well President Lincoln did say; “The government should create, issue, and circulate all the currency. Creating and issuing money is the supreme prerogative of government and its greatest creative opportunity. Adopting these principles will save the taxpayers immense sums of interest and money will cease to be the master and become the servant of humanity.”
I implore my readers, especially ones from the United States to do their own research into this matter, into this fraudulent act. A great film ‘America from Freedom to Fascism is a wonderful documentary and it has a lot of what I just wrote here and gives more facts then I have here. Watch this film, do your own research and then ask yourself do you still want that wool over your eyes?
Friday, March 28, 2014
Political Gender War and Race War Part 1
Our nation has come a long way since the 60’s and the Civil Rights movement, but there still seems to be a war between sexes and races. Is it an individual issue, which everyone thinks about? Yes, and to say you have never had any thoughts or made any comments that could be deemed sexist or racist is you lying to yourself. Is it a political tool used by our politicians to keep the people divided? Absolutely, without a single shred of doubt, they use this to keep the people at each other’s throats. This allows them to do whatever they want without any repercussions, because no one will notice really. I’m bringing this up because I have seen a lot of articles about this issue in the past couple of weeks and I’m boggled by how both sides Republican and Democrats are attacking one another over these issues. I’m not a Republican or Democrat, I believe in the Constitution. So when it comes to voting for politicians I look at who will hopefully protect the Constitution, stand for it and stand for the people. Unfortunately it usually means I and most people have to choose between the lesser of two evils.
What caused me to start looking for and at these kinds of articles was a short video of Reince Priebus who I believe is a director for the GOP in Texas. The title of the article stated the he gave a ‘Slap Down’ to the liberal news anchor. It was far from a slap down; it was more of a blame game done by him. Now for those who have been paying attention since 2008, Obama and the Democratic Party have been stuck on the; it’s not our fault, it’s their fault. We didn’t do anything; they caused all this kind of game. So Washington D.C. has been transformed from the most powerful city in the world, to a typical middle school/ high school classroom. The interview was about, comments made by Reince’s assistant director, a female by the way, that women are too passive and quite compared to men concerning raises or fair wages. Her comments were taken out of context by this liberal news anchor, but Reince did nothing to protect her or even make her and the GOP look good. He tried the blame game and it failed horribly in my opinion.
Now how the rebuttal from Reince should have been like, I’ll fill it in here.
Chuck Todd: You’re assistant director placed an image on women that they are weak timid creatures.
Priebus: Todd, my assistant director a woman by the way, suggested that women need to be more aggressive when negotiating salaries and that women like my assistant director are attempting to teach other women how to do that. I don’t understand what you are trying to say or attack Chuck. Liberals like you and the Democratic Party, label women as victims and we in the GOP state they are not victims and strive to make sure they get the salary they deserve by demanding it.
Chuck Todd: Reince you have to admit there is a certain way your party talks to women.
Priebus: We talk to women as equals, that they do not need big government, because they have the ability to solve their own issues as strong, intelligent and independent women. The GOP are not the ones speaking down to women, as if they are children needing supervision Chuck. Liberals and Democrats speak to women like that.
See how intelligent that sounds? If you find the video, his debate was him using the Democrat Party game plan of the ‘Blame Game’. This is just one example, but there are absurd things that both parties do and say. The Republican Party is the party that stood against slavery, Jim Crow laws, lynching laws, stood for equal rights, has the first Black Senator out of both parties. The Democrat Party was the party of slavery (which can still be argued today that they are for slavery), lynching laws, Jim Crow laws, not wanting equal rights. Are the two parties the same like their forefathers? No in most cases, but yes in a lot of cases, the two parties are truly divided from within.
You look at the Republican Party and Conservatives and you can see a lot of comments being made that does not support the base rules or founding of the Republican Party. There is a lot of what can be taken as anti-women, anti-minority comments. Unfortunately the politicians that make these horrible comments are not true Republicans; they are what are called, RINOs (Republican in Name Only). The big issue with true Republicans and conservatives that support them are the RINOs are some of the bigger fish in the GOP pond and for some unknown reason have a lot of support behind them. True Republicans and their allies from the Tea Party are totally against big government and ridiculous spending. When the Tea Party came out, they were gaining a lot of momentum and at first both the RINOs and Democrats were attacking them non-stop. Yet when the likes of Boehner, McConnell, and McCain saw that they might end up losing their cushy job, they came out in support of the Tea Party. They pulled the wool over the people’s eyes and got themselves reelected. I can understand how they got fooled. They were going to put someone that has never been in politics, dealt with DC and these men have, they also seem to support our causes and goals. So why not keep them in? Sounded like a good idea, but look at what is going on now. They have turned their back on the Tea Party and the supporters, saying all kind of demeaning words about them. They have literally declared war on the Tea Party and their supporters.
What I am trying to get across here, is that the RINOs like the above mentioned are and will be the reason the Republican Party will not have a Presidential Election victory and possibly not win the Senate back this year. If the true Republicans want to restore the image of their party they need to remove these RINOs. The comments and actions being done by them, are causing almost irreversible damages to the party. Comments like:
• Mitch McConnell woos women voters by touting legislation he never supported. Come on Mitch, a 6th grade student could do 2 minutes of research and find out, you laid an egg there. You have never supported any of the most recent bills to protect women. Now like earlier, I believe women can handle their own problems, they don’t need big government to do the fighting for them. I’m saying, don’t lie to get votes, you just made yourself and a lot of other Republicans look dumb.
• "If it hurts a bunch of lazy blacks that want the government to give them everything, so be it." – North Carolina GOP Executive Committee member Don Yelton on his state's voter ID law. Really Yelton? Way to go there, not only have you given the liberals and Democrats more ammo to use for the Voter ID fight, you caused countless Black Americans to side with the party that does not truly care for them, yet will side with them due to your comments. I spy a RINO!
• "I need this job like I need a hole in the head." – House Speaker John Boehner. So Boehner, what you are telling the American people, is you really don’t need or want this job. So why are you still there? Can we get someone new and will support their people’s choices?
Okay, now for what really gets me going is comments made by conservative politicians are conservative people, which are taken way out of context by the liberal controlled media. I hand it to the liberals and the Democrats, they are great at playing the pit bull and making the GOP, Tea Party and conservatives look bad.
• Let Allah sort it out. Sarah Palin on Syria Conflict. She was and is still right. Why must our nation, get ourselves into every conflict that goes on in this world. Who made us the police of the world, the world’s military? It is not our business to get involved; we have too much on our plate at the moment. Yet the liberal media, and even the conservative media, went after her like dog with a bone. Calling her heartless, showing no emotion to all the people dying over there. How is she being heartless and showing no emotion. She is saying what a lot if not majority of Americans are thinking. We cannot afford another war, or conflict. It’s time we start fixing our house first. Calling her racist and bigoted for the Allah comment. You can take the Allah comment that way, if all you want to do is, start a fight. Their God is named Allah, they do not like when we interfere in Islamic lands. So what’s racist and bigoted about that?
• It is not the role of Congress to make college affordable and accessible. Rep Virginia Foxx. Now one part I can agree with 100% and the other not so much. She is right, that it is not the government’s responsibility to make college affordable. It is the people’s right to pursue happiness, there is no guarantee to happiness; you have to work hard for it. Now the accessible part that is government’s responsibility. Our Founding Fathers wanted the American people to be well educated and knowledgeable about the world and issues. An enlightened population is a dangerous population as they said. It gives the people the ability to keep the government in check.
• When you say it’s not a man and woman anymore, then why not have three men and one woman, or four women and one man, or why not if somebody has love for an animal. Texas Rep Louie Gohnert, commenting about same sex marriage. Okay, so I am for equal marriage rights, no one should tell you, who you can love or be with. Even if in the bible it says it’s wrong and it’s a sin. Who cares, that is for God to judge not us humans. It is not our place to judge, we are to love our neighbors like we love ourselves. Yet I can see where he was going with this comment. In today’s world, everyone gets a trophy, everyone is special and needs special treatment. Yeah, keep going that way and you have a nation of ‘Give me, Give me!” people. They feel like, they will never have to work for something, because it’s always given to them. So by allowing, same sex marriages, what right do we have to stop people that want a polygamy marriage, or sex and marriage with children under the age of 18, or with animals, or inanimate objects. Give one kid a cookie and in today’s world you have to give all the kids a cookie. So we allow same sex marriages, but we cannot be disgusted or complain when other groups want the same protection in laws for their beliefs or desires.
It just seems today, that the major media outlets are controlled by liberal/Democrat minded people, and will trash a conservative, rip them apart, and attempt to discredit and destroy them for comments that have been made. Yet you do not see the same equality given to their fellow liberals/Democrats. Take for an example, a recent tweet comments by Feminist “comedian” Laura Levites. She was tweeting about the fight that Hobby Lobby is engaged in at the Supreme Court about birth control. She stated she would like to castrate every male conservative Christian so that they have no reproductive rights. Stated why can’t Agent Orange be legal because those F***ING conservative Christian scumbags are trying her patience. That she would pay for David Green to be castrated and that she would rather shop at Home Depot for a hacksaw to chop off his D**K. She also said she wanted to rip the uterus out of pro life Congresswoman Cathy McMorris Rodgers so that she can see the surprised face on that C**T’s rigid face when she eats her uterus. Funny how Hobby Lobby’s health plans cover 16 types of birth control and yet threatens another woman pretty much, but she considers herself a Feminist.
How about Democrat State Senator Leland Yee being arrested at his home on public corruption and bribery charges? He is notorious for being a big supporter of strict gun laws and regulations, yet he was charged with firearm trafficking as well. Along with him, two dozen people were charged in the Bay Area being suspected of selling drugs, smuggling guns and arranging murder for hire. Yet on all the liberal/Democrat controlled media outlets, there isn’t really much being said about this.
The other night on Real Time with bill Maher, Bill asked Democrat Rep. Keith Ellison why his party just doesn’t take a stand against the Second Amendment. Ellison pretty much said he wished his colleagues would come out against the Second Amendment. Now is he talking about stronger regulations, or taking out the 2nd Amendment all together, it wasn’t clear. Yet Bill Maher is truly against the 2nd Amendment and what he meant most likely is we should rid ourselves of it. So in the end Ellison agrees to it. Again, you don’t see liberal media outlets talking about his comments and maybe trying to figure out what he really meant.
How about racial comments that were never talked about?
• Democrat Fritz Hollings says being from Africa makes you a cannibal. “You’d find these potentates from Africa, you know, rather than eating each other, they’d just come up and get a good square meal in Geneva. So Hollings, what you are trying to say and possibly educate other people in, are the cultures of Africa and they are all cannibals. That they have been stuck in some barbaric, Stone Age society if they are in and from Africa.
• California Democrat Diane Watson believes interracial marriage is wrong. “He’s married to a white woman. He wants to be white. He wants a colorless society. He has no ethnic pride. He doesn’t want to be black. I guess Watson, a supporter of equal marriage rights, isn’t too happy when she sees a black man and a white woman together, because that would go against the ‘Old Democratic Party’ rules. Interracial marriages and mixed children are no good, downright sinful, because both sides are diluting their racial backgrounds.
• How about Robert Byrd, former Klansman saying he has seen a lot of white n*ggers in his time. Wow, sounds like the foundation of the Democrat Party all right. Slavery, derogatory terms for minorities, Jim Crow Laws, Lynching Laws and so on.
Funny when Mitt Romney said he doesn’t care about the 49% of the population that is on government assistance, that he can’t win them, so he is working for the 51% of Americans that aren’t on those programs, his comment was made out to be he is out of touch with normal Americans, that he is an elitist and so on, that he is against minorities and so on. What racial attack could you possibly get from that comment? Yet the liberal media saw nothing wrong with the comments made above.
Now before anyone starts thinking that, all I wanted to do was bash liberals and Democrats, please hold on. There are Democrats/liberals that actually do want to help the people that want to improve job situations and the number of jobs available. That don’t want people, doesn’t matter what color you are, to be on government assistance, to have the government do everything for you. They believe in privacy, equal rights, and smaller government but just like the true Republicans, they are out gunned and outnumbered by the RINOS and ‘Old Democrat Party’ members. Honestly there have been times where I have seen these few Democrats have their comments taken out of context by the few conservative media outlets, and it is also unfair. I have seen them, pushed aside or attacked by their own party for not towing the line. This is a two way street and both sides have honest statesmen and women wanting to do nothing but protect the Constitution and the people. The problem is, their honest views, their true views to stand with the Constitution, do not go with the status quo of the big players and their true agendas. We the people need to start looking at this, start seeing that regardless of which side we’re on, we have players that are true to the cause. We need to get rid of the ones that have been in there for decades and stop anything from truly happening when attempts to restore the Republic are being acted on. If we can put people into power, that come from the general population, that honestly have no political ties, lobbyist ties, foreign country ties, I’m willing to bet, both sides would be able to come to the table and meet in the middle to get our nation back on track.
It's time that we all start demanding that both parties are viewed under the same light, and held responsible equally. We can't keep allowing one side of political power to get away with crimes, racial and gender bias comments. While the other party is being hung to the wall for them. That is not true equality, that is a separation of the population.
What caused me to start looking for and at these kinds of articles was a short video of Reince Priebus who I believe is a director for the GOP in Texas. The title of the article stated the he gave a ‘Slap Down’ to the liberal news anchor. It was far from a slap down; it was more of a blame game done by him. Now for those who have been paying attention since 2008, Obama and the Democratic Party have been stuck on the; it’s not our fault, it’s their fault. We didn’t do anything; they caused all this kind of game. So Washington D.C. has been transformed from the most powerful city in the world, to a typical middle school/ high school classroom. The interview was about, comments made by Reince’s assistant director, a female by the way, that women are too passive and quite compared to men concerning raises or fair wages. Her comments were taken out of context by this liberal news anchor, but Reince did nothing to protect her or even make her and the GOP look good. He tried the blame game and it failed horribly in my opinion.
Now how the rebuttal from Reince should have been like, I’ll fill it in here.
Chuck Todd: You’re assistant director placed an image on women that they are weak timid creatures.
Priebus: Todd, my assistant director a woman by the way, suggested that women need to be more aggressive when negotiating salaries and that women like my assistant director are attempting to teach other women how to do that. I don’t understand what you are trying to say or attack Chuck. Liberals like you and the Democratic Party, label women as victims and we in the GOP state they are not victims and strive to make sure they get the salary they deserve by demanding it.
Chuck Todd: Reince you have to admit there is a certain way your party talks to women.
Priebus: We talk to women as equals, that they do not need big government, because they have the ability to solve their own issues as strong, intelligent and independent women. The GOP are not the ones speaking down to women, as if they are children needing supervision Chuck. Liberals and Democrats speak to women like that.
See how intelligent that sounds? If you find the video, his debate was him using the Democrat Party game plan of the ‘Blame Game’. This is just one example, but there are absurd things that both parties do and say. The Republican Party is the party that stood against slavery, Jim Crow laws, lynching laws, stood for equal rights, has the first Black Senator out of both parties. The Democrat Party was the party of slavery (which can still be argued today that they are for slavery), lynching laws, Jim Crow laws, not wanting equal rights. Are the two parties the same like their forefathers? No in most cases, but yes in a lot of cases, the two parties are truly divided from within.
You look at the Republican Party and Conservatives and you can see a lot of comments being made that does not support the base rules or founding of the Republican Party. There is a lot of what can be taken as anti-women, anti-minority comments. Unfortunately the politicians that make these horrible comments are not true Republicans; they are what are called, RINOs (Republican in Name Only). The big issue with true Republicans and conservatives that support them are the RINOs are some of the bigger fish in the GOP pond and for some unknown reason have a lot of support behind them. True Republicans and their allies from the Tea Party are totally against big government and ridiculous spending. When the Tea Party came out, they were gaining a lot of momentum and at first both the RINOs and Democrats were attacking them non-stop. Yet when the likes of Boehner, McConnell, and McCain saw that they might end up losing their cushy job, they came out in support of the Tea Party. They pulled the wool over the people’s eyes and got themselves reelected. I can understand how they got fooled. They were going to put someone that has never been in politics, dealt with DC and these men have, they also seem to support our causes and goals. So why not keep them in? Sounded like a good idea, but look at what is going on now. They have turned their back on the Tea Party and the supporters, saying all kind of demeaning words about them. They have literally declared war on the Tea Party and their supporters.
What I am trying to get across here, is that the RINOs like the above mentioned are and will be the reason the Republican Party will not have a Presidential Election victory and possibly not win the Senate back this year. If the true Republicans want to restore the image of their party they need to remove these RINOs. The comments and actions being done by them, are causing almost irreversible damages to the party. Comments like:
• Mitch McConnell woos women voters by touting legislation he never supported. Come on Mitch, a 6th grade student could do 2 minutes of research and find out, you laid an egg there. You have never supported any of the most recent bills to protect women. Now like earlier, I believe women can handle their own problems, they don’t need big government to do the fighting for them. I’m saying, don’t lie to get votes, you just made yourself and a lot of other Republicans look dumb.
• "If it hurts a bunch of lazy blacks that want the government to give them everything, so be it." – North Carolina GOP Executive Committee member Don Yelton on his state's voter ID law. Really Yelton? Way to go there, not only have you given the liberals and Democrats more ammo to use for the Voter ID fight, you caused countless Black Americans to side with the party that does not truly care for them, yet will side with them due to your comments. I spy a RINO!
• "I need this job like I need a hole in the head." – House Speaker John Boehner. So Boehner, what you are telling the American people, is you really don’t need or want this job. So why are you still there? Can we get someone new and will support their people’s choices?
Okay, now for what really gets me going is comments made by conservative politicians are conservative people, which are taken way out of context by the liberal controlled media. I hand it to the liberals and the Democrats, they are great at playing the pit bull and making the GOP, Tea Party and conservatives look bad.
• Let Allah sort it out. Sarah Palin on Syria Conflict. She was and is still right. Why must our nation, get ourselves into every conflict that goes on in this world. Who made us the police of the world, the world’s military? It is not our business to get involved; we have too much on our plate at the moment. Yet the liberal media, and even the conservative media, went after her like dog with a bone. Calling her heartless, showing no emotion to all the people dying over there. How is she being heartless and showing no emotion. She is saying what a lot if not majority of Americans are thinking. We cannot afford another war, or conflict. It’s time we start fixing our house first. Calling her racist and bigoted for the Allah comment. You can take the Allah comment that way, if all you want to do is, start a fight. Their God is named Allah, they do not like when we interfere in Islamic lands. So what’s racist and bigoted about that?
• It is not the role of Congress to make college affordable and accessible. Rep Virginia Foxx. Now one part I can agree with 100% and the other not so much. She is right, that it is not the government’s responsibility to make college affordable. It is the people’s right to pursue happiness, there is no guarantee to happiness; you have to work hard for it. Now the accessible part that is government’s responsibility. Our Founding Fathers wanted the American people to be well educated and knowledgeable about the world and issues. An enlightened population is a dangerous population as they said. It gives the people the ability to keep the government in check.
• When you say it’s not a man and woman anymore, then why not have three men and one woman, or four women and one man, or why not if somebody has love for an animal. Texas Rep Louie Gohnert, commenting about same sex marriage. Okay, so I am for equal marriage rights, no one should tell you, who you can love or be with. Even if in the bible it says it’s wrong and it’s a sin. Who cares, that is for God to judge not us humans. It is not our place to judge, we are to love our neighbors like we love ourselves. Yet I can see where he was going with this comment. In today’s world, everyone gets a trophy, everyone is special and needs special treatment. Yeah, keep going that way and you have a nation of ‘Give me, Give me!” people. They feel like, they will never have to work for something, because it’s always given to them. So by allowing, same sex marriages, what right do we have to stop people that want a polygamy marriage, or sex and marriage with children under the age of 18, or with animals, or inanimate objects. Give one kid a cookie and in today’s world you have to give all the kids a cookie. So we allow same sex marriages, but we cannot be disgusted or complain when other groups want the same protection in laws for their beliefs or desires.
It just seems today, that the major media outlets are controlled by liberal/Democrat minded people, and will trash a conservative, rip them apart, and attempt to discredit and destroy them for comments that have been made. Yet you do not see the same equality given to their fellow liberals/Democrats. Take for an example, a recent tweet comments by Feminist “comedian” Laura Levites. She was tweeting about the fight that Hobby Lobby is engaged in at the Supreme Court about birth control. She stated she would like to castrate every male conservative Christian so that they have no reproductive rights. Stated why can’t Agent Orange be legal because those F***ING conservative Christian scumbags are trying her patience. That she would pay for David Green to be castrated and that she would rather shop at Home Depot for a hacksaw to chop off his D**K. She also said she wanted to rip the uterus out of pro life Congresswoman Cathy McMorris Rodgers so that she can see the surprised face on that C**T’s rigid face when she eats her uterus. Funny how Hobby Lobby’s health plans cover 16 types of birth control and yet threatens another woman pretty much, but she considers herself a Feminist.
How about Democrat State Senator Leland Yee being arrested at his home on public corruption and bribery charges? He is notorious for being a big supporter of strict gun laws and regulations, yet he was charged with firearm trafficking as well. Along with him, two dozen people were charged in the Bay Area being suspected of selling drugs, smuggling guns and arranging murder for hire. Yet on all the liberal/Democrat controlled media outlets, there isn’t really much being said about this.
The other night on Real Time with bill Maher, Bill asked Democrat Rep. Keith Ellison why his party just doesn’t take a stand against the Second Amendment. Ellison pretty much said he wished his colleagues would come out against the Second Amendment. Now is he talking about stronger regulations, or taking out the 2nd Amendment all together, it wasn’t clear. Yet Bill Maher is truly against the 2nd Amendment and what he meant most likely is we should rid ourselves of it. So in the end Ellison agrees to it. Again, you don’t see liberal media outlets talking about his comments and maybe trying to figure out what he really meant.
How about racial comments that were never talked about?
• Democrat Fritz Hollings says being from Africa makes you a cannibal. “You’d find these potentates from Africa, you know, rather than eating each other, they’d just come up and get a good square meal in Geneva. So Hollings, what you are trying to say and possibly educate other people in, are the cultures of Africa and they are all cannibals. That they have been stuck in some barbaric, Stone Age society if they are in and from Africa.
• California Democrat Diane Watson believes interracial marriage is wrong. “He’s married to a white woman. He wants to be white. He wants a colorless society. He has no ethnic pride. He doesn’t want to be black. I guess Watson, a supporter of equal marriage rights, isn’t too happy when she sees a black man and a white woman together, because that would go against the ‘Old Democratic Party’ rules. Interracial marriages and mixed children are no good, downright sinful, because both sides are diluting their racial backgrounds.
• How about Robert Byrd, former Klansman saying he has seen a lot of white n*ggers in his time. Wow, sounds like the foundation of the Democrat Party all right. Slavery, derogatory terms for minorities, Jim Crow Laws, Lynching Laws and so on.
Funny when Mitt Romney said he doesn’t care about the 49% of the population that is on government assistance, that he can’t win them, so he is working for the 51% of Americans that aren’t on those programs, his comment was made out to be he is out of touch with normal Americans, that he is an elitist and so on, that he is against minorities and so on. What racial attack could you possibly get from that comment? Yet the liberal media saw nothing wrong with the comments made above.
Now before anyone starts thinking that, all I wanted to do was bash liberals and Democrats, please hold on. There are Democrats/liberals that actually do want to help the people that want to improve job situations and the number of jobs available. That don’t want people, doesn’t matter what color you are, to be on government assistance, to have the government do everything for you. They believe in privacy, equal rights, and smaller government but just like the true Republicans, they are out gunned and outnumbered by the RINOS and ‘Old Democrat Party’ members. Honestly there have been times where I have seen these few Democrats have their comments taken out of context by the few conservative media outlets, and it is also unfair. I have seen them, pushed aside or attacked by their own party for not towing the line. This is a two way street and both sides have honest statesmen and women wanting to do nothing but protect the Constitution and the people. The problem is, their honest views, their true views to stand with the Constitution, do not go with the status quo of the big players and their true agendas. We the people need to start looking at this, start seeing that regardless of which side we’re on, we have players that are true to the cause. We need to get rid of the ones that have been in there for decades and stop anything from truly happening when attempts to restore the Republic are being acted on. If we can put people into power, that come from the general population, that honestly have no political ties, lobbyist ties, foreign country ties, I’m willing to bet, both sides would be able to come to the table and meet in the middle to get our nation back on track.
It's time that we all start demanding that both parties are viewed under the same light, and held responsible equally. We can't keep allowing one side of political power to get away with crimes, racial and gender bias comments. While the other party is being hung to the wall for them. That is not true equality, that is a separation of the population.
Monday, March 24, 2014
Illegal Immigration
Something all of us have heard on and off lately is the discussion about an amnesty bill for illegal immigrants in the United States. There is an estimate of 12 million illegals in the United States and some estimates say there are more than 20 million. Now is immigration a bad thing, of course it is not, but it has to be done legally. There are many issues that are not being spoken about, with and from our politicians about the illegal immigrants. What are the pros and cons concerning giving anywhere from 12 million to 20 million plus amnesty? Currently we have a ‘Dream Act’ going on, through executive order from the president, and in a way it is an alright idea. You can not punish a child for the sins of the parents, but I believe there is a different way to go about ‘statuses’ for children brought here and ones born here of illegal parents.
From the Bureau of Labor, in February there was a 13.1% U-6 unemployment rate. U-6 is total unemployed plus all marginally attached workers, plus total employed part time for economic reasons. With the total population of the United States at 313.9 million people, that is a scary 41,120,900 million people that fall under the U-6 standard. Okay so 40 million to make it easier, that fall under the U-6 standard, but that doesn’t include the people that were unemployed, receiving unemployment and were taken off the books after they could find a job. So I’ll take a guess and say 45 million in total. Now we have 45 million that have no job, that are barely holding on to their jobs, others that are working part time because they cannot find anything better or full time, and others that have been forgotten about. What will happen if amnesty is given to 12 – 20 million illegals?
Ask yourself a question. What kind of jobs do illegal immigrants do? They do the jobs that some say your average American won’t do. I believe that is so far from the truth it’s not funny. The reason why this is said is because Americans won’t work unless they are paid as Americans should be paid. That means illegals are doing jobs that pay cash, paid well below the minimum wage rate and with no benefits. These jobs are usually; farming, landscaping, and cleaning services, textile services and construction. If they are awarded amnesty, they will now have legal status here in the United States, which means, they can walk up to Farmer Joe and refuse to work unless they are getting paid at least minimum wage, same goes for the landscaping company, the cleaning company and construction companies. Again the reason why American citizens and legal immigrants won’t do these kinds of jobs is because of the pay and refusal by these companies and farmers to pay good wages. Now, could it be that, they really couldn’t afford to pay workers good wages and be profitable? This might be the case, so when the newly made legals come asking for their higher wages, what will happen?
It’s not just the wages that will increase for these jobs, but also benefits as well. It was originally said that the millions that are given amnesty will not be able to apply for social benefits or the ACA, but that has been shown as incorrect. It is said that the ones given amnesty, if they have children/dependents and their jobs cannot give their children a certain level of living standards they may apply on the behalf of their children, this goes with the ACA as well. So we have a farmer, which has been getting away with hiring and paying illegal workers under the table, way below the minimum wage. Now unless he can find more illegals to replace his newly made legal workers and in a quick turnaround, he will be forced to pay at least minimum wage, plus due to the new ACA regulations, give health care benefits to his workers. This goes for all the labor industries that currently employ illegals. Now, I believe we will see countless businesses and numerous farms barely keeping their head above water, and will finally sink. What will this do to everyone else? Higher food prices, because the demand is higher than what the supply can keep up with. Construction costs will go up, including home building and so much more. Another issue is, the former illegals might not want to stay at their labor demanding jobs and will want to find employment at places where they used to not be able to, due to their illegal status. That means we could possibly have millions attempting to find jobs that would be reserved for citizens or ones of legal status and we currently do not have enough good/decent paying jobs for 40 million people in our nation. Where are these jobs going to come from? Are there going to be enough job opportunities for the 40 million and the newly made legals? The easy answer is we won’t have enough job opportunities and we as a nation will not be creating 50 million plus jobs that quickly and that soon.
When these places can no longer afford this kind of pay and benefits, they will have to fire countless workers, just to make an attempt of staying alive. Here is where we start seeing the applications for social programs like welfare and food stamps kick in because when they were fired or went to go find a job they couldn’t do when they were illegal, they were left out to dry. It was estimated that in 2013 there were 151,014,000 million people on some kind of government assistance. That is a little less than half of the total population. The big numbers that are concerning are the Food Stamps which is about 49 million, the Women, Infants and Children program which is 23.25 million, Supplemental Security Income which is about 20.25 million, Public or subsidized housing at 13.5 million and 5.1 million who get unemployment. That is a total of 111,100,000 million Americans on government assistance.
We currently have a country that does not have enough funds to keep funding and paying for the defense bills, social programs, infrastructure jobs, education and our debt as is. Now with a best case scenario in my opinion, I’ll say there are no more than 12 million illegal immigrants, and maybe 4 million will need unemployment and social benefits. That pushes the total to 115.1 million, and I believe it will go up even more, when small businesses and farms start going under. What will we do, with the increased demand for such programs and added unemployment numbers? Will we have to cut defense spending even more? Will we have to cut more funding from infrastructure programs? Will we have to cut Education funding? Will there be more tax payer bailouts in the near future?
I and most of us will not be able to answer these kinds of questions, but from our past and common logic, we are not headed in a good direction. There seems to be a storm coming and it won’t be pretty for us as a nation and it won’t end well. Again, this is the time, that we the ‘Citizens’ come together, and tell our representatives that we all stand for a common good and that is the ‘Well Being’ of the United States of America.
From the Bureau of Labor, in February there was a 13.1% U-6 unemployment rate. U-6 is total unemployed plus all marginally attached workers, plus total employed part time for economic reasons. With the total population of the United States at 313.9 million people, that is a scary 41,120,900 million people that fall under the U-6 standard. Okay so 40 million to make it easier, that fall under the U-6 standard, but that doesn’t include the people that were unemployed, receiving unemployment and were taken off the books after they could find a job. So I’ll take a guess and say 45 million in total. Now we have 45 million that have no job, that are barely holding on to their jobs, others that are working part time because they cannot find anything better or full time, and others that have been forgotten about. What will happen if amnesty is given to 12 – 20 million illegals?
Ask yourself a question. What kind of jobs do illegal immigrants do? They do the jobs that some say your average American won’t do. I believe that is so far from the truth it’s not funny. The reason why this is said is because Americans won’t work unless they are paid as Americans should be paid. That means illegals are doing jobs that pay cash, paid well below the minimum wage rate and with no benefits. These jobs are usually; farming, landscaping, and cleaning services, textile services and construction. If they are awarded amnesty, they will now have legal status here in the United States, which means, they can walk up to Farmer Joe and refuse to work unless they are getting paid at least minimum wage, same goes for the landscaping company, the cleaning company and construction companies. Again the reason why American citizens and legal immigrants won’t do these kinds of jobs is because of the pay and refusal by these companies and farmers to pay good wages. Now, could it be that, they really couldn’t afford to pay workers good wages and be profitable? This might be the case, so when the newly made legals come asking for their higher wages, what will happen?
It’s not just the wages that will increase for these jobs, but also benefits as well. It was originally said that the millions that are given amnesty will not be able to apply for social benefits or the ACA, but that has been shown as incorrect. It is said that the ones given amnesty, if they have children/dependents and their jobs cannot give their children a certain level of living standards they may apply on the behalf of their children, this goes with the ACA as well. So we have a farmer, which has been getting away with hiring and paying illegal workers under the table, way below the minimum wage. Now unless he can find more illegals to replace his newly made legal workers and in a quick turnaround, he will be forced to pay at least minimum wage, plus due to the new ACA regulations, give health care benefits to his workers. This goes for all the labor industries that currently employ illegals. Now, I believe we will see countless businesses and numerous farms barely keeping their head above water, and will finally sink. What will this do to everyone else? Higher food prices, because the demand is higher than what the supply can keep up with. Construction costs will go up, including home building and so much more. Another issue is, the former illegals might not want to stay at their labor demanding jobs and will want to find employment at places where they used to not be able to, due to their illegal status. That means we could possibly have millions attempting to find jobs that would be reserved for citizens or ones of legal status and we currently do not have enough good/decent paying jobs for 40 million people in our nation. Where are these jobs going to come from? Are there going to be enough job opportunities for the 40 million and the newly made legals? The easy answer is we won’t have enough job opportunities and we as a nation will not be creating 50 million plus jobs that quickly and that soon.
When these places can no longer afford this kind of pay and benefits, they will have to fire countless workers, just to make an attempt of staying alive. Here is where we start seeing the applications for social programs like welfare and food stamps kick in because when they were fired or went to go find a job they couldn’t do when they were illegal, they were left out to dry. It was estimated that in 2013 there were 151,014,000 million people on some kind of government assistance. That is a little less than half of the total population. The big numbers that are concerning are the Food Stamps which is about 49 million, the Women, Infants and Children program which is 23.25 million, Supplemental Security Income which is about 20.25 million, Public or subsidized housing at 13.5 million and 5.1 million who get unemployment. That is a total of 111,100,000 million Americans on government assistance.
We currently have a country that does not have enough funds to keep funding and paying for the defense bills, social programs, infrastructure jobs, education and our debt as is. Now with a best case scenario in my opinion, I’ll say there are no more than 12 million illegal immigrants, and maybe 4 million will need unemployment and social benefits. That pushes the total to 115.1 million, and I believe it will go up even more, when small businesses and farms start going under. What will we do, with the increased demand for such programs and added unemployment numbers? Will we have to cut defense spending even more? Will we have to cut more funding from infrastructure programs? Will we have to cut Education funding? Will there be more tax payer bailouts in the near future?
I and most of us will not be able to answer these kinds of questions, but from our past and common logic, we are not headed in a good direction. There seems to be a storm coming and it won’t be pretty for us as a nation and it won’t end well. Again, this is the time, that we the ‘Citizens’ come together, and tell our representatives that we all stand for a common good and that is the ‘Well Being’ of the United States of America.
Foreign Aid and Current Issues
The mess in the Ukraine and other nations can be connected to my Foreign Aid and most of my other posts as well. In my opinion if we had done a Foreign Aid initiative like or similar to my idea all of this mess today would not be happening around the world. I have heard numerous politicians and analysts saying this is a land grab by Russia being led by Putin. The reason why he is possibly doing this is because of the port his nation has access to in the Ukraine. Kind of sounds familiar doesn't it? Syria was the same thing, just without the land grab. The ports in the Ukraine and Syria are some of the few ports Russia has access to, that are all weather ports. Russia’s main ports usually freeze up in the winter and by Russia losing these two ports it would cause Russia to be land locked during the winter. The difference between the two locations is that Syria has a different population and Assad is an ally of Russia, so that means no land grabbing there. With the Ukraine and especially the Crimea area that has the port, the population is not only majority Russian people and decedents, but is Pro-Russia! Putin sees the new government taking over the Ukraine as a possible anti-Russia government, which would force Russia to move out of the ports or ask for incredibly higher lease rates to stay and use the port.
A lot of people are going to disagree with me possibly, but from an honest and non-biased perspective, what is the big deal? What is the big deal of Putin taking control of the Crimea area and Protecting Assad, due to Russia’s national interests and protecting these interests? Is it wrong to do this? Yes from an honest opinion it is. Is the United States in any position to demand Russia back down from Crimea and Syria? Does the United States have any foot to stand on, when making these demands? The honest answer and my opinion, is ‘NO’. Since the creation of the Federal Income Tax, Federal Reserve and after World War II, our nation has spent a total of 8 years with no military action and that is not a continuous 8 years. We have also helped place ruthless dictators into power around the globe and picked fights with weaker countries in the name of supposed democracy.
Just to name a few;
• The Bolshevik revolution 1917 in Russia
• Placing Husni al-Za’im in power Syria 1949
• Outing of the democratically elected government due to nationalization of oil and placing Shah Mohammed Reza Pahlevi into power Iran 1953
• Carlos Castillo Guatemala 1954, Indonesia failed coup attempt costing the United States billions afterwards,
• Cuba 1959 due to the ousting of the mobster like government of Fulgencio Batista by Castro
• Iraq 1960-63 helping the Ba’th Party oust current government later Saddam Hussein becomes president and our ally
• South Vietnam 1963
• Putting Joao Goulart into power in Brazil 1964,
• Chile 1970-1973 putting General Augusto Pinochet into power
• Afghanistan 1979-89, putting into power what would become today the Taliban
• Turkey 1980 coup attempt causes Turkish military to take over government
• Nicaragua 1981-1990, failed attempt to oust the Sandinista government which was a good government for the people
• Cambodia 1980-95, trying to get Vietnamese soldiers out of Cambodia after Vietnam stopped the Cambodian genocide
• Iraq 1992-96 numerous failed attempts to oust former ally Saddam Hussein
• Afghanistan 2001-Present ousted Taliban government we helped take power and replaced it with someone which is no better.
• Venezuela 2002, attempt to oust Chavez which nationalized his country’s oil
• Iraq 2002-2003, successful ousting of Saddam Hussein, which leads to Iraq becoming a terrorist hotbed, unstable and not much better new government, increase of Iran’s influence, Middle East becoming unstable
• Libya 2011, unconstitutional military force was used to oust Muammar Gaddafi, which leads to chaos within Libya, the Muslim Brotherhood taking over (stating Sharia Law being the law of the land) and leading to 4 Americans being killed
• Egypt 2011, influence in the stepping down of Hosni Muburak, leads to chaos within the nation, a new government soon replaced by military control, countless non-Muslims being killed
• Syria 2012-Present, the attempt to oust Assad from power and is backed by Russia
Honestly since both the Income Tax and Federal Reserve Act, our nation has been on a continuous path of toppling governments that don’t support the United States and when I say support, it doesn't support the our Wall Street agendas. We end up, taking out governments that were supported by the people in most cases and putting a true tyrant in power that abuses the people, murders the people and so forth, in the name of the ‘Great American Dollar’. Now there are conspiracy theories that possibly the Rothschild family runs all the Central Banks and some of the countries on the list above didn't have a central bank ran by the Rothschild family and that is why we helped oust the government or invaded. Could this be possible, we may never know, but since our Federal Reserve is controlled by private banks or about 63 plus percent; Citibank, Chase, Morgan and others own the Federal Reserve. Now the Federal Website says owning stock in the Federal Reserve does not give these banks control of the Federal Reserve, but it’s hard to believe that when you actually look into some of the actions and bailouts down by the Federal Reserve and how connected these actions were to the main banks. We the people our forefathers of the early 1900s allowed this to happen and we are now paying for their mistakes.
It can’t be too late to turn things around. Can it? If we come together, liberals, conservatives, democrats and republicans we can change what our outcome will be. I do honestly believe my idea for Foreign Aid is an honest idea, and a win, win idea for not just the United States but all nations. We would have no need for a Federal Reserve, a Federal Income Tax. Jobs would be plentiful and well paying. Our nation would also become rich in resources; monetary funds, international power and influence, and be a true bringer of democracy in the world. Just imagine from the list above, how many of those countries we could have enacted this type of Foreign Aid with and how the world would be better off today. Take Iran for example, labeled as the head quarters of anti-west Terrorist groups, yet if we would have enacted this kind of aid, their nation at this time would most likely be completely westernized and would still be Muslim. We would not have had all these terror acts most likely, because the people of Iran would not allow for that to happen since, they would have most likely been a great economical nation on the world standing. Iraq is the same situation, we could have helped place the Ba’th party into power and enacted the aid program and we probably wouldn't have had Desert Storm and Operation Iraqi Freedom. There also wouldn't have been a war between Iraq and Iran on the behalf of the United States, where millions died. Just go through the list, imagine going back in time and using this aid program I’m discussing and think how the world might be different, how the United States would be different if it was used instead of lump sums of cash and corrupt political agendas. Regardless of which political side you are on, I’m willing to bet this is something we could all agree on.
I am honestly thinking about writing up a document for this Foreign Aid idea, making it as government like as possible, containing everything that has been discussed here, facts and possible outcomes if this program would be instated. Once I complete the document, I will post it on Orble for all of you to read and give me your thoughts and ideas, because I truly want this to be an American idea but also a world improving idea. When I finish the final revision, I will be sending it to my state representatives asking them to create a bill to make it the new way of giving foreign aid and all of you that live in the United States will be able to do the same in your states.
So Readers, let me hear your thoughts!
A lot of people are going to disagree with me possibly, but from an honest and non-biased perspective, what is the big deal? What is the big deal of Putin taking control of the Crimea area and Protecting Assad, due to Russia’s national interests and protecting these interests? Is it wrong to do this? Yes from an honest opinion it is. Is the United States in any position to demand Russia back down from Crimea and Syria? Does the United States have any foot to stand on, when making these demands? The honest answer and my opinion, is ‘NO’. Since the creation of the Federal Income Tax, Federal Reserve and after World War II, our nation has spent a total of 8 years with no military action and that is not a continuous 8 years. We have also helped place ruthless dictators into power around the globe and picked fights with weaker countries in the name of supposed democracy.
Just to name a few;
• The Bolshevik revolution 1917 in Russia
• Placing Husni al-Za’im in power Syria 1949
• Outing of the democratically elected government due to nationalization of oil and placing Shah Mohammed Reza Pahlevi into power Iran 1953
• Carlos Castillo Guatemala 1954, Indonesia failed coup attempt costing the United States billions afterwards,
• Cuba 1959 due to the ousting of the mobster like government of Fulgencio Batista by Castro
• Iraq 1960-63 helping the Ba’th Party oust current government later Saddam Hussein becomes president and our ally
• South Vietnam 1963
• Putting Joao Goulart into power in Brazil 1964,
• Chile 1970-1973 putting General Augusto Pinochet into power
• Afghanistan 1979-89, putting into power what would become today the Taliban
• Turkey 1980 coup attempt causes Turkish military to take over government
• Nicaragua 1981-1990, failed attempt to oust the Sandinista government which was a good government for the people
• Cambodia 1980-95, trying to get Vietnamese soldiers out of Cambodia after Vietnam stopped the Cambodian genocide
• Iraq 1992-96 numerous failed attempts to oust former ally Saddam Hussein
• Afghanistan 2001-Present ousted Taliban government we helped take power and replaced it with someone which is no better.
• Venezuela 2002, attempt to oust Chavez which nationalized his country’s oil
• Iraq 2002-2003, successful ousting of Saddam Hussein, which leads to Iraq becoming a terrorist hotbed, unstable and not much better new government, increase of Iran’s influence, Middle East becoming unstable
• Libya 2011, unconstitutional military force was used to oust Muammar Gaddafi, which leads to chaos within Libya, the Muslim Brotherhood taking over (stating Sharia Law being the law of the land) and leading to 4 Americans being killed
• Egypt 2011, influence in the stepping down of Hosni Muburak, leads to chaos within the nation, a new government soon replaced by military control, countless non-Muslims being killed
• Syria 2012-Present, the attempt to oust Assad from power and is backed by Russia
Honestly since both the Income Tax and Federal Reserve Act, our nation has been on a continuous path of toppling governments that don’t support the United States and when I say support, it doesn't support the our Wall Street agendas. We end up, taking out governments that were supported by the people in most cases and putting a true tyrant in power that abuses the people, murders the people and so forth, in the name of the ‘Great American Dollar’. Now there are conspiracy theories that possibly the Rothschild family runs all the Central Banks and some of the countries on the list above didn't have a central bank ran by the Rothschild family and that is why we helped oust the government or invaded. Could this be possible, we may never know, but since our Federal Reserve is controlled by private banks or about 63 plus percent; Citibank, Chase, Morgan and others own the Federal Reserve. Now the Federal Website says owning stock in the Federal Reserve does not give these banks control of the Federal Reserve, but it’s hard to believe that when you actually look into some of the actions and bailouts down by the Federal Reserve and how connected these actions were to the main banks. We the people our forefathers of the early 1900s allowed this to happen and we are now paying for their mistakes.
It can’t be too late to turn things around. Can it? If we come together, liberals, conservatives, democrats and republicans we can change what our outcome will be. I do honestly believe my idea for Foreign Aid is an honest idea, and a win, win idea for not just the United States but all nations. We would have no need for a Federal Reserve, a Federal Income Tax. Jobs would be plentiful and well paying. Our nation would also become rich in resources; monetary funds, international power and influence, and be a true bringer of democracy in the world. Just imagine from the list above, how many of those countries we could have enacted this type of Foreign Aid with and how the world would be better off today. Take Iran for example, labeled as the head quarters of anti-west Terrorist groups, yet if we would have enacted this kind of aid, their nation at this time would most likely be completely westernized and would still be Muslim. We would not have had all these terror acts most likely, because the people of Iran would not allow for that to happen since, they would have most likely been a great economical nation on the world standing. Iraq is the same situation, we could have helped place the Ba’th party into power and enacted the aid program and we probably wouldn't have had Desert Storm and Operation Iraqi Freedom. There also wouldn't have been a war between Iraq and Iran on the behalf of the United States, where millions died. Just go through the list, imagine going back in time and using this aid program I’m discussing and think how the world might be different, how the United States would be different if it was used instead of lump sums of cash and corrupt political agendas. Regardless of which political side you are on, I’m willing to bet this is something we could all agree on.
I am honestly thinking about writing up a document for this Foreign Aid idea, making it as government like as possible, containing everything that has been discussed here, facts and possible outcomes if this program would be instated. Once I complete the document, I will post it on Orble for all of you to read and give me your thoughts and ideas, because I truly want this to be an American idea but also a world improving idea. When I finish the final revision, I will be sending it to my state representatives asking them to create a bill to make it the new way of giving foreign aid and all of you that live in the United States will be able to do the same in your states.
So Readers, let me hear your thoughts!
Foreign Aid Discussion
Over the weekend, I was engaged in a conversation with one of my good friends over a couple of beers. I know talking politics is probably not the best idea when you have been drinking, but the conversation and debate was not about left or right, liberal or conservative, instead it was about foreign aid. We discussed one another’s views on if the current way of giving foreign aid works or not. Is it good for the United States? Does it help our status and standing in the world? Does it improve the view of our country, when we give foreign aid to said countries? How should the United States go about giving foreign aid? If going about it a certain way, how do we make sure it benefits the United States and her citizens? We disagreed until, I brought up the way I believe the United States should give foreign aid to other nations, and by doing it this way, not only do we help those countries, but we greatly help our nation as well!
It seems that foreign aid given by the United States is split up into two categories; Economic and military aid. In fiscal year 2012 the United States government gave a total of $54.5 billion, which $23.3 billion was military and $31.2 billion was economic. The big question is, does foreign aid work? There really is no evidence that it does work in the world, that even the big study done by Dollar and Burnside; “Aid might work in countries with good governance.” it has been called out as there is non-existent evidence this even works. The theory is that, poor countries with a decent to good government would rise up with aid from the United States and other counties, but it really hasn't done anything at all. So how do we change that? How do we continue to give aid, but insure the country starts improving and starts being recognized as a true growing nation, instead of a third world nation?
My belief is that, we need to stop all together with the giving of economic aid (which usually means lump sums of money to the government), and military aid. What we need to do, is take a look at nations that truly need that aid and put them through a process of application if you will. The nations that should be on the top of the list should be countries which are rich in natural resources. We then take a look at those nations and see which ones are not so volatile and that military forces would not be required to constantly secure objectives. So we now have a shorter list to work with, for a trial run you could say. Now let us say one of these countries is rich in oil, but it has limits due to the poor infrastructure, poorly educated population and really no means of drilling and refining the oil itself. This is where my idea comes into play.
We reach out to this nation, and offer them the new type of foreign aid. The new type of aid will be that American companies will go over to said nation, bringing with them American workers, to build the oil rigs, oil platforms and oil refineries so that the natural resource can be properly extracted and refined. Now, you do need a decent infrastructure to continue oil production and transport, so other American companies will also come, that will help build roads, sewer systems, housing projects, schools, hospitals and so on. While American companies and American workers are over there building all of these things, they will also be training the best and brightest of the local populations to be able to take over once we have left. Instead of just throwing money at countries and never seeing any kind of improvement, we can actually see improvements in the country by doing it this way. Poverty levels will decline, education levels will climb, employment rates will climb, and now a third world nation will be able to sell their abundance of natural resources to the world, which will give the country more money to continue to improve, and grow their nation.
So how does a foreign aid program like this help the United States and her citizens? Well first of all, we as a nation would be saving $54 billion plus, which can be used for our own country, new roads, better education, paying off debt, grants, scholarships, and so on. Second, it will be American companies that are going over there to construct all of these roads, buildings and everything else. These companies will bring with them American workers, which are being paid good wages for this project. That means more Americans back to work and earning wages, which also means more taxes being collected for our nation. Third, while we are building, then producing materials, fuels and such from their resources, we are not charged one cent on exporting to the United States. Now this doesn't last forever, because that would be unfair, this will only last until the local workforce is up to speed and standard of the American worker currently over there. Fourth benefit, once the local workforce is able to completely take over and manage the operations, and the nation is going in the right direction, the American workers will come back to the United States, and from then on, the United States will get a really nice discount on refined resources being exported from that nation. Fifth and final benefit, not only will Americans be able to have great paying jobs, we will also get free resources for so many years, then discounted resources after the job is done, but our standing around the world will double overnight. Other countries will see what we have done, how we not only helped bring a third world nation out of the darkness and into the international light, but helped our country at the same time, and all of this done without abusing another country and raping it of its resources and people.
Well that is my idea for a new way and standard of foreign aid, I would love to hear what you readers think and might want to add or take away. Foreign aid is a big issue with a lot of Americans and is always a hot topic in our political world. By sharing our ideas, and coming to an agreement, we might actually be able to change things for the better, for everyone!
It seems that foreign aid given by the United States is split up into two categories; Economic and military aid. In fiscal year 2012 the United States government gave a total of $54.5 billion, which $23.3 billion was military and $31.2 billion was economic. The big question is, does foreign aid work? There really is no evidence that it does work in the world, that even the big study done by Dollar and Burnside; “Aid might work in countries with good governance.” it has been called out as there is non-existent evidence this even works. The theory is that, poor countries with a decent to good government would rise up with aid from the United States and other counties, but it really hasn't done anything at all. So how do we change that? How do we continue to give aid, but insure the country starts improving and starts being recognized as a true growing nation, instead of a third world nation?
My belief is that, we need to stop all together with the giving of economic aid (which usually means lump sums of money to the government), and military aid. What we need to do, is take a look at nations that truly need that aid and put them through a process of application if you will. The nations that should be on the top of the list should be countries which are rich in natural resources. We then take a look at those nations and see which ones are not so volatile and that military forces would not be required to constantly secure objectives. So we now have a shorter list to work with, for a trial run you could say. Now let us say one of these countries is rich in oil, but it has limits due to the poor infrastructure, poorly educated population and really no means of drilling and refining the oil itself. This is where my idea comes into play.
We reach out to this nation, and offer them the new type of foreign aid. The new type of aid will be that American companies will go over to said nation, bringing with them American workers, to build the oil rigs, oil platforms and oil refineries so that the natural resource can be properly extracted and refined. Now, you do need a decent infrastructure to continue oil production and transport, so other American companies will also come, that will help build roads, sewer systems, housing projects, schools, hospitals and so on. While American companies and American workers are over there building all of these things, they will also be training the best and brightest of the local populations to be able to take over once we have left. Instead of just throwing money at countries and never seeing any kind of improvement, we can actually see improvements in the country by doing it this way. Poverty levels will decline, education levels will climb, employment rates will climb, and now a third world nation will be able to sell their abundance of natural resources to the world, which will give the country more money to continue to improve, and grow their nation.
So how does a foreign aid program like this help the United States and her citizens? Well first of all, we as a nation would be saving $54 billion plus, which can be used for our own country, new roads, better education, paying off debt, grants, scholarships, and so on. Second, it will be American companies that are going over there to construct all of these roads, buildings and everything else. These companies will bring with them American workers, which are being paid good wages for this project. That means more Americans back to work and earning wages, which also means more taxes being collected for our nation. Third, while we are building, then producing materials, fuels and such from their resources, we are not charged one cent on exporting to the United States. Now this doesn't last forever, because that would be unfair, this will only last until the local workforce is up to speed and standard of the American worker currently over there. Fourth benefit, once the local workforce is able to completely take over and manage the operations, and the nation is going in the right direction, the American workers will come back to the United States, and from then on, the United States will get a really nice discount on refined resources being exported from that nation. Fifth and final benefit, not only will Americans be able to have great paying jobs, we will also get free resources for so many years, then discounted resources after the job is done, but our standing around the world will double overnight. Other countries will see what we have done, how we not only helped bring a third world nation out of the darkness and into the international light, but helped our country at the same time, and all of this done without abusing another country and raping it of its resources and people.
Well that is my idea for a new way and standard of foreign aid, I would love to hear what you readers think and might want to add or take away. Foreign aid is a big issue with a lot of Americans and is always a hot topic in our political world. By sharing our ideas, and coming to an agreement, we might actually be able to change things for the better, for everyone!
Thursday, March 20, 2014
Same, Better or Worse Post Independence
So now that the history of the Federal Income Tax and Federal Reserve Act has been discussed, we should discuss why our forefathers declared independence from England, which will hopefully tie together and show how far we have gone off path. Each post from now on will start connecting our history with our present situations and possible future outcomes even more now. It is important that we all know and understand our past, where we come from, so that we may have a brighter future. Just like Noah Webster, stated his point on the education of the youth of America in 1788; “Every child in America should be acquainted with his own country. He should read books that furnish him with ideas that will be useful to him in life and practice. As soon as he opens his lips, he should rehearse the history of his own country.”
I will bring in the Declaration of Independence and connect the charges that our Founding Fathers placed upon the King of England and how they are connected our present country and government.
WHEN in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the laws of nature and of nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.
We hold these truths to be self-evident: That all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness; that, to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed; that whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles, and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to affect their safety and happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shown that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object, evinces a design to reduce them under absolute despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such government, and to provide new guards for their future security. Such has been the patient sufferance of these colonies; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former systems of government. The history of the present King of Great Britain is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute tyranny over these states. To prove this, let facts be submitted to a candid world.
He has refused his assent to laws, the most wholesome and necessary for the public good.
(We can look at the current Presidential Administration, previous administrations and all branches of our country’s government and find will find countless examples of their failure to approval and or agreement to laws passed by states, which are intended for the public good of that state. It seems like if and when a state attempts to take back its rightful power away from the Federal government, Presidents and other branches will attack, ignore, impose blockades and so forth upon the state. One example is a few years ago when the state of Arizona passed its own immigration law and shortly following the passing of it, it was met with extreme opposition. Now does the Federal government have sole power over immigration laws? Yes they do, but even that power can only go so far. As our founders stated in the Declaration of Independence, “When any form of government becomes destructive, the people have the right to alter or to abolish it.” Now if the federal government has and is failing to protect the citizens of the United States, why can’t the states create laws to pick up the slack for the failed or mismanagement of our country by the federal government? So what is the federal government’s idea or agenda to solve their failures? How will the combat states concerning their own immigration laws?
The current administration and especially the Democrat party are trying to get an amnesty bill passed for illegal aliens. Can congress truly do this, without performing treason? No they cannot, while congress has the Constitutional right to create laws of naturalization (which includes immigration) under Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution, they do not however have the Constitutional power to create a broad sweep amnesty bill, that will allow illegals and non-citizens rights of natural born, naturalized citizens. This kind of broad act by Congress is unconstitutional, mainly due to it suppresses laws already in working for legal immigrants to gain citizen status. This isn’t the first time that our congress has passed an amnesty bill, which in the end all it did was reward law breakers and create a massive increase in illegal immigration. This and other kind of actions taken by our congress and the president are a clear sign of overstepping their power limits. This has been going on since 1913 pretty much and like the old saying “Power corrupts; absolute power corrupts absolutely.” Due to the failure of the American people to be enlightened on current issues and what their representatives are doing, our federal government has forgotten that, the laws governing the United States are for and to protect citizens of this country. They have forgotten that who is allowed to give them authority, is ‘We the People’. It is up to us Citizens to remind them, that they are here to serve us and not the other way around.)
He has forbidden his governors to pass laws of immediate and pressing importance, unless suspended in their operation till his assent should be obtained; and, when so suspended, he has utterly neglected to attend to them.
(This reason can be connected to the first one, but another example Affordable Care Act. Numerous states and their governors are fighting against the ACA and enacting laws to block the ACA. Obama’s Administration along with its attack dog the DOJ, has taken a lot of these states to Federal Court to have their laws deemed unconstitutional and force the states from upholding the laws created by the elected officials of said states. This administration and congress has and will not give their approval to anything that goes against their agenda, regardless of how bad it could be for the citizens of this country. They will also do anything and everything to suspend any kind of state legislation by tying them up in court for as long as they can, so they can truly neglect and or ignore the situation.)
He has obstructed the administration of justice, by refusing his assent to laws for establishing judiciary powers.
(How many times have we seen our federal government, presidents and especially our current one, obstruct the administration of justice within in states? The above examples show how presidents and our federal government keep taking rights and power away from the states, objecting to numerous actions by and from the states. We can look at the Trayvon Martin case and once it happened, and the end result the current administration wasn't what they wanted, our president got the DOJ to get involved to force the case to go to court. What gives them that right? The state was already going with their standing law ‘Stand your Ground’ and it was going to be done with at that point. Yet the DOJ gets involved and forces it to go to court. Another example is when the illegal immigrant in Texas was caught, tried and found guilty of murder; Texas gave him the execution sentence. Again the current Administration and federal government attempted to step in and stop that from happening. Saying we must follow laws under the Geneva Convention. Yet these laws are not American laws, they truly do not have any power within the United States. Unfortunately for the federal government, the state of Texas was not going to listen to them, and took a hold of their sovereign state powers and acted out the punishment. All one has to do is look into the obstruction that the federal government commits on the states and you will be completely shocked and disgusted that it has been allowed to get this far.)
He has erected a multitude of new offices, and sent hither swarms of officers to harass our people and eat out their substance.
(Now this one is truly easy to write about. Since the creation of the Federal Income Tax and Federal Reserve Act in 1913, the famous and much loved Internal Revenue Service was created, Federal Bureau of Investigation, National Security Agency, Central Intelligence Agency, Department of Labor, Department of Education, Department of Homeland Security, the list keeps going on and on and on. A quick thought and question for you the reader; if NSA stands for National Security Agency why did our power hungry government create the Department of Homeland Security? Is the duty of the NSA to provide security for the United States nationally or not? Anyways, we all know what happens when you do anything that goes against the countless, unknown to the vast public and deceptive laws that are passed; we get a nice aggressive visit from anyone of these agencies, if the law pertains to that agency. They get nasty, aggressive, threaten, take away children, and impose fines and so on. Is this truly the government our Founders intended for us to have? Or is this the government our Founders were trying to warn us against and hope we would be enlightened enough to stop?)
For cutting off our trade with all parts of the world;
(Previous administrations and federal government representatives have done this to the United States starting in the 80’s. Post World War II we became the greatest industrial might this world has ever seen. Due to the American craftsmanship and not being touched during the war, we were responsible for building the world back up pretty much. American steel, planes, cars, boats, factories, you name it we were producing it for everyone. Yet our politicians and wise Ivy League educated business kids came up with a great idea. We don’t have to be an industrial economy anymore; we can be a service economy. The current administration has created a blockade for the Keystone Pipeline, yet has assisted other nations like Brazil to create their own similar pipeline within their nation, but it’s a bad idea for Americans to have job opportunities due from this project, getting some benefits from this pipeline as well. During the Clinton administration, we were building our own particle accelerator, but once the tunnel was built for it, his administration cut all funding and brought the project to a dead stop. Yet under the Bush administration, because it was supposedly deemed more cost effective, money was given to help build and operate the current particle accelerators in Europe. Back to the current administration, during Obama’s first term, Iraq had opened its oil fields for bidding and he blocked American oil companies from bidding, his excuse; “We do not want the people of Iraq and the world to think we were just for oil.”, so now some of the largest oil fields are under Chinese and Russian control. He did the same with Afghanistan, when countries were allowed to bid for mineral rich mines, yet same excuse came out of his mouth, so now again Russia has claim to one of the largest lithium mines and China has one of the largest copper mines. Funny thing here is, under the Bush administration, Afghanistan was the first country to be completely scanned with sonar by the US Geographical Department, which allowed everyone to know what was under the ground in that country. Yet we got scammed out by our politicians again. Another big scam forced upon us that has never benefited the United States but greatly helped the other nations involved is NAFTA. We are no longer a great industrial might and our power is slipping.)
For imposing taxes on us without our consent;
(Oh the all time favorite topic of taxes! Does anyone actually believe taxes that are imposed on us had our approval or consent? You could argue that since we elect our officials, we are being represented. Yet when all of congress gathers, there has been an empty chair since 1913 and that chair is where the representative for the American people would sit. Have you ever looked at your paycheck and saw all those different taxes being taken out of it? Did you have a say in the taxes? Did your father, mother, grandfather and or grandmother have any say in it? Most likely the answer would be no. In most recent times, the majority of the American public was against the ACA and had a big issue with the whole tax idea. We were told numerous times that we would not be taxed to keep this abomination running and that the so called tax for not having health care was a fine. We’ll that was an outright lie, because it has been deemed a tax, because the IRS is handling that and they can work with taxes. So why didn't the people know what this ACA was all about? Why and how was it passed? Again, it was done so fast that no one had time to think about it or read it. Don’t believe me? Nancy Pelosi in 2010 said “We have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it!” Isn't it their jobs to read the bills that are being brought to the floor for votes, especially something this big? Well Representative Eddie Bernice Johnson from Texas was asked if she planned on ever reading the whole bill, and her reply was simple; “I don’t think that’s my responsibility to do it!” (Side note, they were both Democrats)
So our elected officials don’t read bills, don’t know what’s in them and still vote for them. The main reason is because they have to tow the party line. I thought they had to tow the American citizen line? Same goes for almost all of the taxes that have been imposed on us; the party comes up with the bill regardless of Democrat of Republican affiliation, and passes it. There is also a second line to tow and that is the ‘Increase the government power, size and money intake’ party line, which majority of the times both parties will pass, because that party is their true boss! Now does congress and all of our political figures follow the same rules? Well supposedly they don’t have to, Rep Charles R. Rangel, didn't know he had to pay income taxes on the earned $75,000 dollars his Caribbean resort villa made for him. Interesting how he didn't know this, when he was the lead chair for the tax committee, which writes all the tax laws? Well I guess it shows laws, regulations and taxes are only for us small folk, not the big important political leaders of our country!
For depriving us, in many cases, of the benefits of trial by jury;
(Since 9/11, we have all heard of the tactic to detain someone indefinitely, if deemed a threat, possible terrorist, or someone that might have had contact with a person of interest. This is being done with the wonderful achievement of the Patriot Act, passed under the Bush administration. However these unconstitutional acts were sort of winding down, being looked at very hard by congressional committees and being brought under control. When Obama was elected president, the Department of Justice, took it a step further and decided it was a good idea to give the president the ability to assassinate an American citizen on foreign soil if deemed a threat, but the buck doesn't stop there, the president can also take out an American citizen on US soil if such said person was deemed a really big threat. As I mentioned all of this is unconstitutional and are pure acts of tyranny against the American people. We have had some of our greatest God given rights stripped from us, without a fight given and all of this supposedly for security. "They who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety." This was first written by Franklin for the Pennsylvania Assembly in its Reply to the Governor 11 Nov. 1755. If you think this is going to end anytime soon, don’t bet on it. On January 2 2013 President Obama renewed the National Defense Authorization Act.)
I didn't want to keep carrying on and having too much to read here, so I just went with the most obvious connections we Americans have today with our Founding Fathers and the reasons of why they wrote the Declaration of Independence. We are sharing an almost identical oppression that they did, but this time it’s by our own government. We have petitioned, protested, written our representatives constantly about what our wants and demands are, yet they were answered with insult, laughter and outright ignorance. Our current government is unfit to lead a land of free people. For them to stop mocking us, laughing at us and ignoring us, we must become louder, more aggressive and also come together. A population that is united, strong and has common desires cannot be ignored, but a population that stays silent and divided will fall.
I will bring in the Declaration of Independence and connect the charges that our Founding Fathers placed upon the King of England and how they are connected our present country and government.
The Declaration of Independence
In Congress Assembled, July 4, 1776
The Unanimous Declaration
Of the Thirteen United States of America
In Congress Assembled, July 4, 1776
The Unanimous Declaration
Of the Thirteen United States of America
WHEN in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the laws of nature and of nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.
We hold these truths to be self-evident: That all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness; that, to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed; that whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles, and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to affect their safety and happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shown that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object, evinces a design to reduce them under absolute despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such government, and to provide new guards for their future security. Such has been the patient sufferance of these colonies; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former systems of government. The history of the present King of Great Britain is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute tyranny over these states. To prove this, let facts be submitted to a candid world.
He has refused his assent to laws, the most wholesome and necessary for the public good.
(We can look at the current Presidential Administration, previous administrations and all branches of our country’s government and find will find countless examples of their failure to approval and or agreement to laws passed by states, which are intended for the public good of that state. It seems like if and when a state attempts to take back its rightful power away from the Federal government, Presidents and other branches will attack, ignore, impose blockades and so forth upon the state. One example is a few years ago when the state of Arizona passed its own immigration law and shortly following the passing of it, it was met with extreme opposition. Now does the Federal government have sole power over immigration laws? Yes they do, but even that power can only go so far. As our founders stated in the Declaration of Independence, “When any form of government becomes destructive, the people have the right to alter or to abolish it.” Now if the federal government has and is failing to protect the citizens of the United States, why can’t the states create laws to pick up the slack for the failed or mismanagement of our country by the federal government? So what is the federal government’s idea or agenda to solve their failures? How will the combat states concerning their own immigration laws?
The current administration and especially the Democrat party are trying to get an amnesty bill passed for illegal aliens. Can congress truly do this, without performing treason? No they cannot, while congress has the Constitutional right to create laws of naturalization (which includes immigration) under Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution, they do not however have the Constitutional power to create a broad sweep amnesty bill, that will allow illegals and non-citizens rights of natural born, naturalized citizens. This kind of broad act by Congress is unconstitutional, mainly due to it suppresses laws already in working for legal immigrants to gain citizen status. This isn’t the first time that our congress has passed an amnesty bill, which in the end all it did was reward law breakers and create a massive increase in illegal immigration. This and other kind of actions taken by our congress and the president are a clear sign of overstepping their power limits. This has been going on since 1913 pretty much and like the old saying “Power corrupts; absolute power corrupts absolutely.” Due to the failure of the American people to be enlightened on current issues and what their representatives are doing, our federal government has forgotten that, the laws governing the United States are for and to protect citizens of this country. They have forgotten that who is allowed to give them authority, is ‘We the People’. It is up to us Citizens to remind them, that they are here to serve us and not the other way around.)
He has forbidden his governors to pass laws of immediate and pressing importance, unless suspended in their operation till his assent should be obtained; and, when so suspended, he has utterly neglected to attend to them.
(This reason can be connected to the first one, but another example Affordable Care Act. Numerous states and their governors are fighting against the ACA and enacting laws to block the ACA. Obama’s Administration along with its attack dog the DOJ, has taken a lot of these states to Federal Court to have their laws deemed unconstitutional and force the states from upholding the laws created by the elected officials of said states. This administration and congress has and will not give their approval to anything that goes against their agenda, regardless of how bad it could be for the citizens of this country. They will also do anything and everything to suspend any kind of state legislation by tying them up in court for as long as they can, so they can truly neglect and or ignore the situation.)
He has obstructed the administration of justice, by refusing his assent to laws for establishing judiciary powers.
(How many times have we seen our federal government, presidents and especially our current one, obstruct the administration of justice within in states? The above examples show how presidents and our federal government keep taking rights and power away from the states, objecting to numerous actions by and from the states. We can look at the Trayvon Martin case and once it happened, and the end result the current administration wasn't what they wanted, our president got the DOJ to get involved to force the case to go to court. What gives them that right? The state was already going with their standing law ‘Stand your Ground’ and it was going to be done with at that point. Yet the DOJ gets involved and forces it to go to court. Another example is when the illegal immigrant in Texas was caught, tried and found guilty of murder; Texas gave him the execution sentence. Again the current Administration and federal government attempted to step in and stop that from happening. Saying we must follow laws under the Geneva Convention. Yet these laws are not American laws, they truly do not have any power within the United States. Unfortunately for the federal government, the state of Texas was not going to listen to them, and took a hold of their sovereign state powers and acted out the punishment. All one has to do is look into the obstruction that the federal government commits on the states and you will be completely shocked and disgusted that it has been allowed to get this far.)
He has erected a multitude of new offices, and sent hither swarms of officers to harass our people and eat out their substance.
(Now this one is truly easy to write about. Since the creation of the Federal Income Tax and Federal Reserve Act in 1913, the famous and much loved Internal Revenue Service was created, Federal Bureau of Investigation, National Security Agency, Central Intelligence Agency, Department of Labor, Department of Education, Department of Homeland Security, the list keeps going on and on and on. A quick thought and question for you the reader; if NSA stands for National Security Agency why did our power hungry government create the Department of Homeland Security? Is the duty of the NSA to provide security for the United States nationally or not? Anyways, we all know what happens when you do anything that goes against the countless, unknown to the vast public and deceptive laws that are passed; we get a nice aggressive visit from anyone of these agencies, if the law pertains to that agency. They get nasty, aggressive, threaten, take away children, and impose fines and so on. Is this truly the government our Founders intended for us to have? Or is this the government our Founders were trying to warn us against and hope we would be enlightened enough to stop?)
For cutting off our trade with all parts of the world;
(Previous administrations and federal government representatives have done this to the United States starting in the 80’s. Post World War II we became the greatest industrial might this world has ever seen. Due to the American craftsmanship and not being touched during the war, we were responsible for building the world back up pretty much. American steel, planes, cars, boats, factories, you name it we were producing it for everyone. Yet our politicians and wise Ivy League educated business kids came up with a great idea. We don’t have to be an industrial economy anymore; we can be a service economy. The current administration has created a blockade for the Keystone Pipeline, yet has assisted other nations like Brazil to create their own similar pipeline within their nation, but it’s a bad idea for Americans to have job opportunities due from this project, getting some benefits from this pipeline as well. During the Clinton administration, we were building our own particle accelerator, but once the tunnel was built for it, his administration cut all funding and brought the project to a dead stop. Yet under the Bush administration, because it was supposedly deemed more cost effective, money was given to help build and operate the current particle accelerators in Europe. Back to the current administration, during Obama’s first term, Iraq had opened its oil fields for bidding and he blocked American oil companies from bidding, his excuse; “We do not want the people of Iraq and the world to think we were just for oil.”, so now some of the largest oil fields are under Chinese and Russian control. He did the same with Afghanistan, when countries were allowed to bid for mineral rich mines, yet same excuse came out of his mouth, so now again Russia has claim to one of the largest lithium mines and China has one of the largest copper mines. Funny thing here is, under the Bush administration, Afghanistan was the first country to be completely scanned with sonar by the US Geographical Department, which allowed everyone to know what was under the ground in that country. Yet we got scammed out by our politicians again. Another big scam forced upon us that has never benefited the United States but greatly helped the other nations involved is NAFTA. We are no longer a great industrial might and our power is slipping.)
For imposing taxes on us without our consent;
(Oh the all time favorite topic of taxes! Does anyone actually believe taxes that are imposed on us had our approval or consent? You could argue that since we elect our officials, we are being represented. Yet when all of congress gathers, there has been an empty chair since 1913 and that chair is where the representative for the American people would sit. Have you ever looked at your paycheck and saw all those different taxes being taken out of it? Did you have a say in the taxes? Did your father, mother, grandfather and or grandmother have any say in it? Most likely the answer would be no. In most recent times, the majority of the American public was against the ACA and had a big issue with the whole tax idea. We were told numerous times that we would not be taxed to keep this abomination running and that the so called tax for not having health care was a fine. We’ll that was an outright lie, because it has been deemed a tax, because the IRS is handling that and they can work with taxes. So why didn't the people know what this ACA was all about? Why and how was it passed? Again, it was done so fast that no one had time to think about it or read it. Don’t believe me? Nancy Pelosi in 2010 said “We have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it!” Isn't it their jobs to read the bills that are being brought to the floor for votes, especially something this big? Well Representative Eddie Bernice Johnson from Texas was asked if she planned on ever reading the whole bill, and her reply was simple; “I don’t think that’s my responsibility to do it!” (Side note, they were both Democrats)
So our elected officials don’t read bills, don’t know what’s in them and still vote for them. The main reason is because they have to tow the party line. I thought they had to tow the American citizen line? Same goes for almost all of the taxes that have been imposed on us; the party comes up with the bill regardless of Democrat of Republican affiliation, and passes it. There is also a second line to tow and that is the ‘Increase the government power, size and money intake’ party line, which majority of the times both parties will pass, because that party is their true boss! Now does congress and all of our political figures follow the same rules? Well supposedly they don’t have to, Rep Charles R. Rangel, didn't know he had to pay income taxes on the earned $75,000 dollars his Caribbean resort villa made for him. Interesting how he didn't know this, when he was the lead chair for the tax committee, which writes all the tax laws? Well I guess it shows laws, regulations and taxes are only for us small folk, not the big important political leaders of our country!
For depriving us, in many cases, of the benefits of trial by jury;
(Since 9/11, we have all heard of the tactic to detain someone indefinitely, if deemed a threat, possible terrorist, or someone that might have had contact with a person of interest. This is being done with the wonderful achievement of the Patriot Act, passed under the Bush administration. However these unconstitutional acts were sort of winding down, being looked at very hard by congressional committees and being brought under control. When Obama was elected president, the Department of Justice, took it a step further and decided it was a good idea to give the president the ability to assassinate an American citizen on foreign soil if deemed a threat, but the buck doesn't stop there, the president can also take out an American citizen on US soil if such said person was deemed a really big threat. As I mentioned all of this is unconstitutional and are pure acts of tyranny against the American people. We have had some of our greatest God given rights stripped from us, without a fight given and all of this supposedly for security. "They who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety." This was first written by Franklin for the Pennsylvania Assembly in its Reply to the Governor 11 Nov. 1755. If you think this is going to end anytime soon, don’t bet on it. On January 2 2013 President Obama renewed the National Defense Authorization Act.)
I didn't want to keep carrying on and having too much to read here, so I just went with the most obvious connections we Americans have today with our Founding Fathers and the reasons of why they wrote the Declaration of Independence. We are sharing an almost identical oppression that they did, but this time it’s by our own government. We have petitioned, protested, written our representatives constantly about what our wants and demands are, yet they were answered with insult, laughter and outright ignorance. Our current government is unfit to lead a land of free people. For them to stop mocking us, laughing at us and ignoring us, we must become louder, more aggressive and also come together. A population that is united, strong and has common desires cannot be ignored, but a population that stays silent and divided will fall.
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