Monday, March 24, 2014

Foreign Aid and Current Issues

The mess in the Ukraine and other nations can be connected to my Foreign Aid and most of my other posts as well. In my opinion if we had done a Foreign Aid initiative like or similar to my idea all of this mess today would not be happening around the world. I have heard numerous politicians and analysts saying this is a land grab by Russia being led by Putin. The reason why he is possibly doing this is because of the port his nation has access to in the Ukraine. Kind of sounds familiar doesn't it? Syria was the same thing, just without the land grab. The ports in the Ukraine and Syria are some of the few ports Russia has access to, that are all weather ports. Russia’s main ports usually freeze up in the winter and by Russia losing these two ports it would cause Russia to be land locked during the winter. The difference between the two locations is that Syria has a different population and Assad is an ally of Russia, so that means no land grabbing there. With the Ukraine and especially the Crimea area that has the port, the population is not only majority Russian people and decedents, but is Pro-Russia! Putin sees the new government taking over the Ukraine as a possible anti-Russia government, which would force Russia to move out of the ports or ask for incredibly higher lease rates to stay and use the port.

A lot of people are going to disagree with me possibly, but from an honest and non-biased perspective, what is the big deal? What is the big deal of Putin taking control of the Crimea area and Protecting Assad, due to Russia’s national interests and protecting these interests? Is it wrong to do this? Yes from an honest opinion it is. Is the United States in any position to demand Russia back down from Crimea and Syria? Does the United States have any foot to stand on, when making these demands? The honest answer and my opinion, is ‘NO’. Since the creation of the Federal Income Tax, Federal Reserve and after World War II, our nation has spent a total of 8 years with no military action and that is not a continuous 8 years. We have also helped place ruthless dictators into power around the globe and picked fights with weaker countries in the name of supposed democracy. 
Just to name a few; 
• The Bolshevik revolution 1917 in Russia 
• Placing Husni al-Za’im in power Syria 1949 
• Outing of the democratically elected government due to nationalization of oil and placing Shah Mohammed Reza Pahlevi into power Iran 1953 
• Carlos Castillo Guatemala 1954, Indonesia failed coup attempt costing the United States billions afterwards, 
• Cuba 1959 due to the ousting of the mobster like government of Fulgencio Batista by Castro
• Iraq 1960-63 helping the Ba’th Party oust current government later Saddam Hussein becomes president and our ally 
• South Vietnam 1963
• Putting Joao Goulart into power in Brazil 1964, 
• Chile 1970-1973 putting General Augusto Pinochet into power
• Afghanistan 1979-89, putting into power what would become today the Taliban 
• Turkey 1980 coup attempt causes Turkish military to take over government 
• Nicaragua 1981-1990, failed attempt to oust the Sandinista government which was a good government for the people
• Cambodia 1980-95, trying to get Vietnamese soldiers out of Cambodia after Vietnam stopped the Cambodian genocide
• Iraq 1992-96 numerous failed attempts to oust former ally Saddam Hussein
• Afghanistan 2001-Present ousted Taliban government we helped take power and replaced it with someone which is no better.
• Venezuela 2002, attempt to oust Chavez which nationalized his country’s oil
• Iraq 2002-2003, successful ousting of Saddam Hussein, which leads to Iraq becoming a terrorist hotbed, unstable and not much better new government, increase of Iran’s influence, Middle East becoming unstable
• Libya 2011, unconstitutional military force was used to oust Muammar Gaddafi, which leads to chaos within Libya, the Muslim Brotherhood taking over (stating Sharia Law being the law of the land) and leading to 4 Americans being killed
• Egypt 2011, influence in the stepping down of Hosni Muburak, leads to chaos within the nation, a new government soon replaced by military control, countless non-Muslims being killed
• Syria 2012-Present, the attempt to oust Assad from power and is backed by Russia

Honestly since both the Income Tax and Federal Reserve Act, our nation has been on a continuous path of toppling governments that don’t support the United States and when I say support, it doesn't support the our Wall Street agendas. We end up, taking out governments that were supported by the people in most cases and putting a true tyrant in power that abuses the people, murders the people and so forth, in the name of the ‘Great American Dollar’. Now there are conspiracy theories that possibly the Rothschild family runs all the Central Banks and some of the countries on the list above didn't have a central bank ran by the Rothschild family and that is why we helped oust the government or invaded. Could this be possible, we may never know, but since our Federal Reserve is controlled by private banks or about 63 plus percent; Citibank, Chase, Morgan and others own the Federal Reserve. Now the Federal Website says owning stock in the Federal Reserve does not give these banks control of the Federal Reserve, but it’s hard to believe that when you actually look into some of the actions and bailouts down by the Federal Reserve and how connected these actions were to the main banks. We the people our forefathers of the early 1900s allowed this to happen and we are now paying for their mistakes. 

It can’t be too late to turn things around. Can it? If we come together, liberals, conservatives, democrats and republicans we can change what our outcome will be. I do honestly believe my idea for Foreign Aid is an honest idea, and a win, win idea for not just the United States but all nations. We would have no need for a Federal Reserve, a Federal Income Tax. Jobs would be plentiful and well paying. Our nation would also become rich in resources; monetary funds, international power and influence, and be a true bringer of democracy in the world. Just imagine from the list above, how many of those countries we could have enacted this type of Foreign Aid with and how the world would be better off today. Take Iran for example, labeled as the head quarters of anti-west Terrorist groups, yet if we would have enacted this kind of aid, their nation at this time would most likely be completely westernized and would still be Muslim. We would not have had all these terror acts most likely, because the people of Iran would not allow for that to happen since, they would have most likely been a great economical nation on the world standing. Iraq is the same situation, we could have helped place the Ba’th party into power and enacted the aid program and we probably wouldn't have had Desert Storm and Operation Iraqi Freedom. There also wouldn't have been a war between Iraq and Iran on the behalf of the United States, where millions died. Just go through the list, imagine going back in time and using this aid program I’m discussing and think how the world might be different, how the United States would be different if it was used instead of lump sums of cash and corrupt political agendas. Regardless of which political side you are on, I’m willing to bet this is something we could all agree on.

I am honestly thinking about writing up a document for this Foreign Aid idea, making it as government like as possible, containing everything that has been discussed here, facts and possible outcomes if this program would be instated. Once I complete the document, I will post it on Orble for all of you to read and give me your thoughts and ideas, because I truly want this to be an American idea but also a world improving idea. When I finish the final revision, I will be sending it to my state representatives asking them to create a bill to make it the new way of giving foreign aid and all of you that live in the United States will be able to do the same in your states.

So Readers, let me hear your thoughts!

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