Friday, March 28, 2014

Political Gender War and Race War Part 1

Our nation has come a long way since the 60’s and the Civil Rights movement, but there still seems to be a war between sexes and races. Is it an individual issue, which everyone thinks about? Yes, and to say you have never had any thoughts or made any comments that could be deemed sexist or racist is you lying to yourself. Is it a political tool used by our politicians to keep the people divided? Absolutely, without a single shred of doubt, they use this to keep the people at each other’s throats. This allows them to do whatever they want without any repercussions, because no one will notice really. I’m bringing this up because I have seen a lot of articles about this issue in the past couple of weeks and I’m boggled by how both sides Republican and Democrats are attacking one another over these issues. I’m not a Republican or Democrat, I believe in the Constitution. So when it comes to voting for politicians I look at who will hopefully protect the Constitution, stand for it and stand for the people. Unfortunately it usually means I and most people have to choose between the lesser of two evils.

What caused me to start looking for and at these kinds of articles was a short video of Reince Priebus who I believe is a director for the GOP in Texas. The title of the article stated the he gave a ‘Slap Down’ to the liberal news anchor. It was far from a slap down; it was more of a blame game done by him. Now for those who have been paying attention since 2008, Obama and the Democratic Party have been stuck on the; it’s not our fault, it’s their fault. We didn’t do anything; they caused all this kind of game. So Washington D.C. has been transformed from the most powerful city in the world, to a typical middle school/ high school classroom. The interview was about, comments made by Reince’s assistant director, a female by the way, that women are too passive and quite compared to men concerning raises or fair wages. Her comments were taken out of context by this liberal news anchor, but Reince did nothing to protect her or even make her and the GOP look good. He tried the blame game and it failed horribly in my opinion.

Now how the rebuttal from Reince should have been like, I’ll fill it in here.
Chuck Todd: You’re assistant director placed an image on women that they are weak timid creatures.
Priebus: Todd, my assistant director a woman by the way, suggested that women need to be more aggressive when negotiating salaries and that women like my assistant director are attempting to teach other women how to do that. I don’t understand what you are trying to say or attack Chuck. Liberals like you and the Democratic Party, label women as victims and we in the GOP state they are not victims and strive to make sure they get the salary they deserve by demanding it. 
Chuck Todd: Reince you have to admit there is a certain way your party talks to women.
Priebus: We talk to women as equals, that they do not need big government, because they have the ability to solve their own issues as strong, intelligent and independent women. The GOP are not the ones speaking down to women, as if they are children needing supervision Chuck. Liberals and Democrats speak to women like that. 

See how intelligent that sounds? If you find the video, his debate was him using the Democrat Party game plan of the ‘Blame Game’. This is just one example, but there are absurd things that both parties do and say. The Republican Party is the party that stood against slavery, Jim Crow laws, lynching laws, stood for equal rights, has the first Black Senator out of both parties. The Democrat Party was the party of slavery (which can still be argued today that they are for slavery), lynching laws, Jim Crow laws, not wanting equal rights. Are the two parties the same like their forefathers? No in most cases, but yes in a lot of cases, the two parties are truly divided from within.

You look at the Republican Party and Conservatives and you can see a lot of comments being made that does not support the base rules or founding of the Republican Party. There is a lot of what can be taken as anti-women, anti-minority comments. Unfortunately the politicians that make these horrible comments are not true Republicans; they are what are called, RINOs (Republican in Name Only). The big issue with true Republicans and conservatives that support them are the RINOs are some of the bigger fish in the GOP pond and for some unknown reason have a lot of support behind them. True Republicans and their allies from the Tea Party are totally against big government and ridiculous spending. When the Tea Party came out, they were gaining a lot of momentum and at first both the RINOs and Democrats were attacking them non-stop. Yet when the likes of Boehner, McConnell, and McCain saw that they might end up losing their cushy job, they came out in support of the Tea Party. They pulled the wool over the people’s eyes and got themselves reelected. I can understand how they got fooled. They were going to put someone that has never been in politics, dealt with DC and these men have, they also seem to support our causes and goals. So why not keep them in? Sounded like a good idea, but look at what is going on now. They have turned their back on the Tea Party and the supporters, saying all kind of demeaning words about them. They have literally declared war on the Tea Party and their supporters.

What I am trying to get across here, is that the RINOs like the above mentioned are and will be the reason the Republican Party will not have a Presidential Election victory and possibly not win the Senate back this year. If the true Republicans want to restore the image of their party they need to remove these RINOs. The comments and actions being done by them, are causing almost irreversible damages to the party. Comments like:
• Mitch McConnell woos women voters by touting legislation he never supported. Come on Mitch, a 6th grade student could do 2 minutes of research and find out, you laid an egg there. You have never supported any of the most recent bills to protect women. Now like earlier, I believe women can handle their own problems, they don’t need big government to do the fighting for them. I’m saying, don’t lie to get votes, you just made yourself and a lot of other Republicans look dumb.

• "If it hurts a bunch of lazy blacks that want the government to give them everything, so be it." – North Carolina GOP Executive Committee member Don Yelton on his state's voter ID law. Really Yelton? Way to go there, not only have you given the liberals and Democrats more ammo to use for the Voter ID fight, you caused countless Black Americans to side with the party that does not truly care for them, yet will side with them due to your comments. I spy a RINO!
• "I need this job like I need a hole in the head." – House Speaker John Boehner. So Boehner, what you are telling the American people, is you really don’t need or want this job. So why are you still there? Can we get someone new and will support their people’s choices?
Okay, now for what really gets me going is comments made by conservative politicians are conservative people, which are taken way out of context by the liberal controlled media. I hand it to the liberals and the Democrats, they are great at playing the pit bull and making the GOP, Tea Party and conservatives look bad. 

• Let Allah sort it out. Sarah Palin on Syria Conflict. She was and is still right. Why must our nation, get ourselves into every conflict that goes on in this world. Who made us the police of the world, the world’s military? It is not our business to get involved; we have too much on our plate at the moment. Yet the liberal media, and even the conservative media, went after her like dog with a bone. Calling her heartless, showing no emotion to all the people dying over there. How is she being heartless and showing no emotion. She is saying what a lot if not majority of Americans are thinking. We cannot afford another war, or conflict. It’s time we start fixing our house first. Calling her racist and bigoted for the Allah comment. You can take the Allah comment that way, if all you want to do is, start a fight. Their God is named Allah, they do not like when we interfere in Islamic lands. So what’s racist and bigoted about that?

• It is not the role of Congress to make college affordable and accessible. Rep Virginia Foxx. Now one part I can agree with 100% and the other not so much. She is right, that it is not the government’s responsibility to make college affordable. It is the people’s right to pursue happiness, there is no guarantee to happiness; you have to work hard for it. Now the accessible part that is government’s responsibility. Our Founding Fathers wanted the American people to be well educated and knowledgeable about the world and issues. An enlightened population is a dangerous population as they said. It gives the people the ability to keep the government in check.

• When you say it’s not a man and woman anymore, then why not have three men and one woman, or four women and one man, or why not if somebody has love for an animal. Texas Rep Louie Gohnert, commenting about same sex marriage. Okay, so I am for equal marriage rights, no one should tell you, who you can love or be with. Even if in the bible it says it’s wrong and it’s a sin. Who cares, that is for God to judge not us humans. It is not our place to judge, we are to love our neighbors like we love ourselves. Yet I can see where he was going with this comment. In today’s world, everyone gets a trophy, everyone is special and needs special treatment. Yeah, keep going that way and you have a nation of ‘Give me, Give me!” people. They feel like, they will never have to work for something, because it’s always given to them. So by allowing, same sex marriages, what right do we have to stop people that want a polygamy marriage, or sex and marriage with children under the age of 18, or with animals, or inanimate objects. Give one kid a cookie and in today’s world you have to give all the kids a cookie. So we allow same sex marriages, but we cannot be disgusted or complain when other groups want the same protection in laws for their beliefs or desires.
It just seems today, that the major media outlets are controlled by liberal/Democrat minded people, and will trash a conservative, rip them apart, and attempt to discredit and destroy them for comments that have been made. Yet you do not see the same equality given to their fellow liberals/Democrats. Take for an example, a recent tweet comments by Feminist “comedian” Laura Levites. She was tweeting about the fight that Hobby Lobby is engaged in at the Supreme Court about birth control. She stated she would like to castrate every male conservative Christian so that they have no reproductive rights. Stated why can’t Agent Orange be legal because those F***ING conservative Christian scumbags are trying her patience. That she would pay for David Green to be castrated and that she would rather shop at Home Depot for a hacksaw to chop off his D**K. She also said she wanted to rip the uterus out of pro life Congresswoman Cathy McMorris Rodgers so that she can see the surprised face on that C**T’s rigid face when she eats her uterus. Funny how Hobby Lobby’s health plans cover 16 types of birth control and yet threatens another woman pretty much, but she considers herself a Feminist.

How about Democrat State Senator Leland Yee being arrested at his home on public corruption and bribery charges? He is notorious for being a big supporter of strict gun laws and regulations, yet he was charged with firearm trafficking as well. Along with him, two dozen people were charged in the Bay Area being suspected of selling drugs, smuggling guns and arranging murder for hire. Yet on all the liberal/Democrat controlled media outlets, there isn’t really much being said about this. 

The other night on Real Time with bill Maher, Bill asked Democrat Rep. Keith Ellison why his party just doesn’t take a stand against the Second Amendment. Ellison pretty much said he wished his colleagues would come out against the Second Amendment. Now is he talking about stronger regulations, or taking out the 2nd Amendment all together, it wasn’t clear. Yet Bill Maher is truly against the 2nd Amendment and what he meant most likely is we should rid ourselves of it. So in the end Ellison agrees to it. Again, you don’t see liberal media outlets talking about his comments and maybe trying to figure out what he really meant.
How about racial comments that were never talked about?
• Democrat Fritz Hollings says being from Africa makes you a cannibal. “You’d find these potentates from Africa, you know, rather than eating each other, they’d just come up and get a good square meal in Geneva. So Hollings, what you are trying to say and possibly educate other people in, are the cultures of Africa and they are all cannibals. That they have been stuck in some barbaric, Stone Age society if they are in and from Africa.

• California Democrat Diane Watson believes interracial marriage is wrong. “He’s married to a white woman. He wants to be white. He wants a colorless society. He has no ethnic pride. He doesn’t want to be black. I guess Watson, a supporter of equal marriage rights, isn’t too happy when she sees a black man and a white woman together, because that would go against the ‘Old Democratic Party’ rules. Interracial marriages and mixed children are no good, downright sinful, because both sides are diluting their racial backgrounds.

• How about Robert Byrd, former Klansman saying he has seen a lot of white n*ggers in his time. Wow, sounds like the foundation of the Democrat Party all right. Slavery, derogatory terms for minorities, Jim Crow Laws, Lynching Laws and so on.

Funny when Mitt Romney said he doesn’t care about the 49% of the population that is on government assistance, that he can’t win them, so he is working for the 51% of Americans that aren’t on those programs, his comment was made out to be he is out of touch with normal Americans, that he is an elitist and so on, that he is against minorities and so on. What racial attack could you possibly get from that comment? Yet the liberal media saw nothing wrong with the comments made above. 

Now before anyone starts thinking that, all I wanted to do was bash liberals and Democrats, please hold on. There are Democrats/liberals that actually do want to help the people that want to improve job situations and the number of jobs available. That don’t want people, doesn’t matter what color you are, to be on government assistance, to have the government do everything for you. They believe in privacy, equal rights, and smaller government but just like the true Republicans, they are out gunned and outnumbered by the RINOS and ‘Old Democrat Party’ members. Honestly there have been times where I have seen these few Democrats have their comments taken out of context by the few conservative media outlets, and it is also unfair. I have seen them, pushed aside or attacked by their own party for not towing the line. This is a two way street and both sides have honest statesmen and women wanting to do nothing but protect the Constitution and the people. The problem is, their honest views, their true views to stand with the Constitution, do not go with the status quo of the big players and their true agendas. We the people need to start looking at this, start seeing that regardless of which side we’re on, we have players that are true to the cause. We need to get rid of the ones that have been in there for decades and stop anything from truly happening when attempts to restore the Republic are being acted on. If we can put people into power, that come from the general population, that honestly have no political ties, lobbyist ties, foreign country ties, I’m willing to bet, both sides would be able to come to the table and meet in the middle to get our nation back on track.

It's time that we all start demanding that both parties are viewed under the same light, and held responsible equally. We can't keep allowing one side of political power to get away with crimes, racial and gender bias comments. While the other party is being hung to the wall for them. That is not true equality, that is a separation of the population.

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