Monday, March 31, 2014

Taxes and Fraud

Federal Income Tax, the greatest thing since sliced bread! Said no one, ever! So is the Federal Income Tax Constitutional or Unconstitutional? In one of my first postings, I wrote about when, how and why I believe the Federal Income Tax was added to the Constitution. In the year 1913 it was added to the Constitution the same year that the Federal Reserve Act was passed through congress. That the parents of the Federal Reserve Act were a bunch of bankers, and their plan was to grab control of the economy of our great nation. Just like Mayer Amschel Rothschild said; “Give me control of a nation’s money and I care not who makes the laws.” Yet when these bankers were able to persuade members of our government to get the Federal Reserve Act passed, they knew that, the way the federal government made money at that time, would not be able to borrow much, so they influenced congress to create the Federal Income Tax. This way, they could control monetary policies which in the greater picture would control political policies. By taxing the people’s hard earned incomes, they had a limitless pot of money. They could do whatever they please, force the government to do whatever they wanted and when they made mistakes like the Great Depression, recessions (including the one we are going through now), the American Tax Payer would be there to bail them out, because we have no choice. So the true answer is the Federal Income Tax is Unconstitutional to the very core. Remember the Founding Fathers, separated from England for many reasons, and one of them was taxation without representation. They believed only the States should have the right to tax incomes of their people, not the federal government.
What brought to this discussion again about the Federal Income Tax is an article I read last week concerning a lawyer in Louisiana Tommy Cryer, who unfortunately is no longer with us. Mr. Cryer, was taken to court by the IRS on failure to pay income taxes, yet he defeated the IRS in the Federal District Court of Shreveport 12-0 count by the jury. The following link takes you to one of the articles about Mr. Cryer and his fight against the IRS and Federal Government. I implore my readers to look at this article and research on their own concerning one of the biggest acts of fraud placed on the American people, and you will see that, we have been getting robbed since 1913.

If you are still unsure that the Federal Income Tax is Unconstitutional, I would like to point you in the direction of Sherry Peel Jackson. She was a former IRS agent and when she stood up against the Income Tax, she was sentenced to three years in a federal prison. When she got out, she didn't stop standing up against this act of fraud, she continued her fight as she does today, and is waking fellow Americans as fast and as many as she can. The following link takes you to an article about Sherry Jackson and also contains a video of a seminar she took place in. After reading the article and watching the video, I hope that my readers will have a clearer picture of what is going on and how we have been fooled by a corrupt and greedy government, which is controlled by bankers.

Ms. Jackson isn't the only IRS agent that has stood up against the IRS for the fraud it is committing on the American people. Honestly why do you hear about these cases yet, you never hear the IRS or government state any evidence that they have the right to tax your income? It’s because they don’t need this going mainstream (it’s not like it really would, because it would be shutdown in a heartbeat, to keep this action of fraud going), it would lift the wool off of the majority’s eyes and their ponzi scheme would come to a crashing halt. U.S. District Court Judge James C. Fox in 2003 stated; “If you examined the 16th Amendment carefully, you would find that a sufficient number of states never ratified that amendment.” This means, the 16th Amendment should not and cannot be a law. Also a Supreme Court decision stated that the 16th Amendment didn't add any new taxing powers to the government, pretty much still upholding that a Federal Income Tax is Unconstitutional. 

There have been countless people, groups and so on, that tried to stand up for their God given rights and all of our rights, but nothing changes because they do not have a large enough base to back them up. Why don’t they have this base? It’s because the IRS, Federal Reserve and the politicians have done a great job in scaring the living ghost out of us. Mention the IRS to anyone and they fear it like they would fear the reaper. 

Bill Clinton on March 11, 1993 said; “We can’t be fixated on our desire to preserve the rights of ordinary Americans.” What? Our President, our politicians do not care to preserve our rights? Yet when taking office they take an oath to protect our rights. Have we as a nation, as a population become so blind that we are happy to be sheep? Some were not and still are not happy to be sheep. They stood up against Clinton, yet when they did, pertaining to court records, talked about by Paul Breslan an IRS Official; “Legal opponents of President Clinton were tax audited.” Again, bring up the IRS and everyone, starts acting like it’s the end of the world.

My readers, it is not the end of the world. IRS Code 26 CFR Ch.1 (4-1-03 Edition) states that paying income tax to the federal government is completely voluntary. That they train their agents to make sure they get as many Americans to voluntarily pay income tax. This written code is backed by Dwight E. Avis Head of the Alcohol and Tobacco Tax Division Bureau of Internal Revenue; “Your income is a 100% voluntary tax, and your liquor tax is 100% enforced tax. The situation is as different as night and day.”
In one of my earlier postings, I mentioned the letter sent by Chancellor Bismark from Germany, saying President Lincoln would have been the only one that could stop the international bankers from coming to the United States and taking over our country. Well President Lincoln did say; “The government should create, issue, and circulate all the currency. Creating and issuing money is the supreme prerogative of government and its greatest creative opportunity. Adopting these principles will save the taxpayers immense sums of interest and money will cease to be the master and become the servant of humanity.” 

I implore my readers, especially ones from the United States to do their own research into this matter, into this fraudulent act. A great film ‘America from Freedom to Fascism is a wonderful documentary and it has a lot of what I just wrote here and gives more facts then I have here. Watch this film, do your own research and then ask yourself do you still want that wool over your eyes? 

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